The Beginning

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Two murder drones, one was a murder drone, one was a hunter drone, had fallen from the floor out of no where and had landed in this light gray room with party tables chair and beanbags. The two had landed down onto the hard floor. The murder drone was named Melody (MY OC) and the hunter drone was named Syce (FRIENDS OC) . They both have been friends for a while and bonded really well together.

Then out of no where another two came in, it look like their younger selves back then, Their names were Past Melody and Past Syce, in short terms we use PT! Melody and PT! Syce. Soon enough one last two came in, it didn't look like another one of them they recall, but, it was their future selves. Future Melody and Future Syce, in also short terms they are known as F! Melody and F! Syce. The present one which are the originals are known as P! Syce and P! Melody.

The pasts were born in two different timelines, Melody being in 3006 and Syce being in 3007, being now they are 6-7 years old. Melody seemed to have been one year older than Syce. The presents were in the year 3025, Syce being 18 and Melody being 19. Futures were in the year 3052, Melody being 46 and Syce being 45.

As Killer drones for the P! And F! They enjoy being them, now Into the story....

P!=Present | PT!=Past | F!=Future

PT!Syce:hey has anyone seen my friend..... Hey! You! Have you-.... Uh.... Oh....

F! Syce:Bloody hell... What the.

PT:woow, your very tall

F! Syce:Ye no kidding mate

F!Syce: Why are there bloody children... Who invited you..



F! Melody:what..

P! Melody:omg is that me?

F! Melody:what the fuck?

F! Syce:see what I mean

F! Melody:who are they syce.

F! Syce:how would I know. Bloody hell they could be us Mel's

F! Melody:first of all, don't call me that. Second of all I look ugly if that's me

P! Melody:Hey that's offensive!!

P! Syce:I cannot be ugly for all I know I'm better

F! Syce:I'd love to watch you try little one

P! Melody:please please don't do that!!

F! Syce:and you got something to say??

F! Melody:I'm about to be that one motherfucker with that camera recording

P! Syce:oh it's on mate

Soon enough they were fighting and F! Melody had to break it up, let's just say it got pretty messy.

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