Chapter One

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Yayyyy! Updating in an almost dead fandom! Joyjoyjoyjoy!!!!☺☺☺☺☺ 

Yes I intend to update decently 


The EMP had done its work, Adrian thought, with a twitch of bitterness. Nova had been so eager when she explained it to the team, Oscar and Ruby brainstorming ways to use it, from taking down the remaining Anarchists to trolling Frostbite. It seemed that it only occurred to Adrian that it would be perfect for taking down Gatlon's most nefarious villain. He felt bad to have basically taken the gadget, but he couldn't very well say *Hey Nova, you know the Sentinel, who you hate irrationally for some reason? Yeah I need to borrow your baby for reasons totally unrelated.*

So now, as Nightmare reached for one of those wretched throwing stars, Adrian had set off Novas device, and the star, though still thrown with deadly precision, was dodge able. Shock evident in Nightmare's manner, she reached for another one of her murder machines, only to find it out of charge. Nightmare let out a string of almost familiar curses.

"Who's the neophyte now?" Adrian asked with satisfaction.

Nightmare glowered, but then her cold, heartless eyes lit up, the very sight kicking Adrian into high alert. "Still you, oaf."

She launched herself at him, edging him closer to the edge of the roof. Using one of her stars as a handheld dagger, she slashed at the chinks in his armor. Adrian did his best to avoid her blade, as a single sliver of exposed skin would mean it would all be over. And now, with no other Renegades within a tent mile radius, if Adrian fell asleep, he could count on never waking up.

The Sentinel had the clear advantage in the strength department, but Nightmare was smaller, faster, and had all the lethal precision of a gleaming sharpened blade. Adrian was trained, sure, but Nightmare fought as if she had been born for it, the thrum of battle in her veins. Adrian began to feel a bit nostalgic for the throwing stars.

"You fight like a Renegade," Nightmare scowled.

Adrian caught a lower arm to the face just in time. It was almost a reflex. Something occurred to to him. "So do you."

Nightmare froze, though she returned so quickly to the fight that Adrian was sure he imagined it. "It appears you took that hit to the head hard."

"What hit to the—"

Nightmare slung her bag at Adrian's head, and the sound reverberated inside his head, disorienting him. His feet hit something behind him-- the ledge of the roof. Skies. Nightmare was going to just skip the whole put him to sleep part and simply push him off the roof. More frenzied now, Nightmare fought tooth and nail. Her hood fell off, revealing dark hair matted with sweat. She had pale, milk white skin, which made her metal mask, reflecting off her icy eyes, stand out even

Adrian summoned a flame in his hand, but right at that moment, two things happened. First, on the street below, a baby began to cry. Second, somewhere decently far off, three bullets sounded.

It was as if someone clicked the off button on Nightmare. She froze, mid-punch, the knife in her other hand clattering to the ground. The blood drained from her face, rendering her ghost pale.

Adrian didn't hesitate. Whatever the reason for Nightmares brief episode of distraction, he wouldn't waste it. Adrian slid two fingers on his wrist, unlocking his newest power. High tech Renegade handcuffs slid directly onto Nightmares wrist. Honestly, Adrian hadn't been sure it would work, and was filled with a sense of pride. The idea had seemed obscene, based off a single prodigy on leave from Germany's power.

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