💕 My Mafia Bodyguard ( part 2 ) 💕

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I was passing through the empty corridor when Kevin, one of my classmate came in front of him.

"Hey bondita!" he said with a smile

"H... Hii kevin" I replied with a fake smile

Actually I never felt comfortable around kevin and his gang... like you will always find them flirting around and some time even looking at me with dirty eye.

"D.. Do you need anything?" I asked gripping my book against my chest

"Yes... actually bondita, I liked you from the first day I saw you in school... so I wanted to ask would you like to be my girlfriend?"

He confessed while moving closer towards me

I moved back...

"I... I am s... sorry kevin but I don't have any feelings towards you"

As soon as I said this he started laughing like maniac

Like seriously?

Did I crack a joke?

"You know what? I already knew you would reject me... ( moving closer to me ) so I came with full plan"

He said with a smirk

What does he mean by that?

I was getting scared of his smirk when I saw out of nowhere his gang appearing.

I knew that their intentions were not good enough...

So I tried to run away but before I could one of them held my hand and the other kept his hand over my mouth.

I tried to scream but couldn't due to their hard grip on my mouth.

They dragged me behind the school where rarely someone appears. I was too scared but I knew that I have to save myself.

They pushed against the wall...

"You know what? if it wasn't for your body then I would have never ever liked you. You look damn hot in this t-shirt and skirt"

He took a deep breath from my neck

I pushed him away... hard

"Damn hard to get right? well today not only me but my whole gang is going to enjoy you and your sexy body"

He said while others laughed

I could feel my eyes getting teary

"Please leave me... I beg you please"

I said trying to away from them as they were walking towards me like a hungry wolf

"Oh baby beg us when we will fuck you" one of them said while smriking

I closed my eyes in disgust.

"Please don't... I... I am warning you all, touch me you won't like the consequences" I warned with my red teary eyes

"Oh We are so sacred... hahaha... do you think we will get scared of your small warning"

Kevin said

"You should be!" I said glaring

His smirk drops and he grabs my hair before pulling me towards him

I winced

"You are getting on nerves... now let me show you what we can do!"

"No please... please"

I pleaded as he came towards my neck...


𝒜𝒩ℐ𝒟ℐ𝒯𝒜 : ℬ𝒰ℛ𝒩ℐ𝒩𝒢 ℒ𝒪𝒱ℰ🔞 ( OS/ TS/ SS ) Completed ✅Where stories live. Discover now