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We woke up Saturday morning in his amazing house he was still asleep I woke up to admire the house and make some coffee of course. The lounge was so amazing and big you could hear the waves of the ocean from here. As I was still making coffee the door bell rang I quickly took my gun from my handbag and put it behind me. I opened the door, "Good morning ma'am your attires have just been checked after delivery." the man said. I nodded then sighed from relief I tilted my head at the door for a few seconds. "There is really no need to be so on high alert here you know nobody would harm you in my surroundings love." he said standing next to the counter. "I'm always cautious no matter where I am babe sorry it's how I am." I said walking up to him. "You always so sexy tho with that gun I think I like it." he said kissing me. "Ohh really now? I ain't no thug now?" I asked smiling at him. "Ohh no you still are but my thug." he said then pulled me by the neck to tongue kiss me. If I don't die by the gun I will definitely die by this guy.

The day went by normally we made food as per usual it was our thing now. Then stayed a bit the function was around 4pm then we would go meet Cam's brother's family after a few hours. "Baby how is Carmen personally? Do you think he will like me?" I asked. "He is a really good person and yes he will like you obviously." he said kissing me. "Let's go bath then it's nearly 4pm" i said standing up. We went to the shower it was bigger than ours back in JHB I knew he wasn't gonna help himself just when I was about to get out he pulled me back in and kissed me.


"You can't get off that easy" he said in between kisses. "I know babe" i said smiling at him. He cupped my ass then lifted me up he started kissing my neck and started biting my ear I was losing myself again to this man. "Ba..be" I moaned. I was hugging him at this point he slammed his length into my core I could still feel a bit of pain but a lot more pleasure. I was moaning in pleasure at this point he kissed me slowly while thrusting slowly but deeper. We rode our ecstasy till we both came. "Le-et's not le-ave" I said in between breaths. "That's what my D does to you , always want to cancel our plans I love this, it makes me want to look forward to our next session." he said putting on his underwear. He came to the bed and kissed me. "Your dress is way too good for us not to go come on." he said. "Alright let get ready." I said blushing. "Ohh the make up artist is in the lounge I figured you might want one not need you perfect without make up." he explained then kissed me.

I went to the lounge then he did my make up lightly but still perfectly I thanked him then he left. I got to open my dress it was perfect. It was long blood red body con dress beaded beautifully with different kinds of diamonds, rhinestones and pearls. I showed my boobs perfectly well just how I liked it. I finished of the look with black and gold YSL heels. Then I had installed my short burgundy frontal weave. I don't like weaves unless it's necessary for me to have them on. Cam showed up in a black tux with a red tie same as my dress. "We should go to functions more often if you are gonna look this sexy." he said kissing my forehead. "Ahh baby stop." I said blushing.

We got in the car then left for the function it was so nice for the both of us to be on the backseat we arrived at the hotel it was amazing and breathtaking Cam opened the door for me then I got out. We walked hand in hand and arrived at the function we most definitely looked like the it couple all eyes landed on us. Then someone who looked like Cam approached yet less sexy my man is way more sexy or cause I am in love I don't know. "Hey I'm glad you guys could make it." Carmen said hugging his brother tightly then hugged me as quickly as he could I dismissed that. "Thanks brother for the invitation this is Macy." he said with his hand on my back. "Nice to meet you Macy so brother how long will you be staying?" he said not looking me in the eye. "Babe I'm gonna go get a drink catch up with your brother." I said with a faded smile.

I went to the bar and sat there, I asked for water then I turned to look back at the surroundings. It's pretty obvious Cam's brother doesn't like me I don't usually suck faces I would be leaving right now if it wasn't for Cam he looked so happy to see his brother while I was still observing some slender skinny ass man came. "Hey beautiful here alone." he said didn't even ask my face was bored all together. "Just piss off." I said not even looking at him. "Come on let me make you feel good come back to my room." he said. "Eww no just leave me alone." I said. "Go to hell bitch." he said then went to the toilet. I followed him took out my gun in the bag I checked my surroundings then went in with him. "Say it again." I said with a gun on his neck. "Wh-o wh-at" he said shaking. "Call me a bitch again." I said smiling. "No it was a mistake." he said. "It most definitely was cause I am gonna kill you today." I said. "Wh-at no-o" he said crying. I kicked him just hard enough to make him pass out then I dragged him to the toilet then closed it. I walked out to see Cam still talking to his brother he was so happy I don't know why his brother doesn't like me well I don't care but I know Cam will care. If it come down to him choosing I would most definitely want him to choose his family not me.

Ms Madame. (18+)Where stories live. Discover now