my roommate pt.2

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Some weeks later:

Lili's new friend always took her time with her friend group.

They always had meet ups at the late evening or the night.

Most of the time Lili decided to not stay awake for the arrival.

She slept and Moira always was quiet while entering the dorm.

This night she wanted to know when Moira came back.

So Lili waited.

She walked up in the room the both girls shared.

Not knowing what to do.

Lili actually waited for her roomate.

Moira was gone for about 7 hours and she already had left directly after dinner.

It now almost was 3 am and Lili was a bit worried.

She didn't know why she was so concerned but she still was.

Lili somehow gave up on the fact of meeting Moira and tried to sleep.

Laying in bed but not falling asleep being too curious about the wellbeing of the other.

And then suddenly the door was opened.

Lili got startled and looked up to the front door of their dorm.

And there she stood.

She quickly tried to close the door. Fear in her movements.

Lili couldn't see her face clearly.

The long awaited girl closed the door.

And without hesitation she ran towards her bed.

Now she could finally breathe.

Lili slowly walked up to her seemingly exhausted figure.

"What happened?" She concerned asked.

Now Moira got startled and flinched at the sudden comment of her supposedly sleeping roommate.

"...Woah, damn. I'm very sorry if I kept you up late." She apologized.

"It's ok. But are you ok, I mean with all the fear in your body?" Lili asked back.

"Thank you! And no kind of" The other girl mumbled.

Then she turned around to grab her rucksack laying next to her nightstand.

Moira hastily opened the smallest pocket of the bag pack and shakingly took out a small bottle looking like pills.

The girl took out some of these pills and gulped them down.

She sat back trying to focus on something at the wall.

Then she looked down to the still concerned Lili.

"So what happened?" The girl in the bed asked.

"I umm... am a seer." She just answered.

Lili was surprised but kept silent trying to understand her roommate's words.

"I don't have a friend group I am spending time with. I spend the time being alone watching over what will happen in a few days." Moira said.

"I saw things I don't like at all." She continued. "Things that shouldn't happen. But I can't really change it."


"Wow!" Lili finally reacted to the suprising information about her partner and the news that didn't sound good.

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