~~The Competition Begins~~

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Today is the first day of the new dance season and after winning a national title last season, I'm excited to see what will come

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Today is the first day of the new dance season and after winning a national title last season, I'm excited to see what will come. Last season I left right after nationals because I had to film the 7th season of Grey's Anatomy and I also finished filming for Friday Night Lights a show I've been on since I was 7 years old, saying goodbye to the cast and crew was hard because they all grew to be my big brothers and sisters. I missed a couple of dance competitions last season but we don't talk about that. I came home two days ago from filming and I'm really excited to see my friends and Ms. Abby.

It was 5:30 am, and as always I'm the first one up in the morning besides my mom, after getting dressed in a white cropped tank top and black spandex, I helped mom wake up Maddie and Mackenzie, before heading downstairs and fixing up four plates of whatever mom made for breakfast as she got them ready. I sat at the table on my phone texting my manager about upcoming projects as I waited for my mother and sisters to come down. I scrolled through Instagram, an app that came out last year, and I heard footsteps running down the stairs before I can even turn to see who it is two tiny hands wrapped around my sides and a little voice spoke up

"I'm glad you're back" she muffled before looking up at me

Grinning, I pick her up and sit her in the chair next to me

"I missed you too Mack Z," I said to her as she turned to her plate and started eating but not before giving me a toothless grin. Smiling back at her I realized how much I missed both, her and Maddie when I was away filming.

After about 15 minutes both Mom and Maddie came downstairs and started eating breakfast by themselves because me and Kenzie already finished. I sat in the living room doing whatever homework I didn't finish, while Kenzie sat next to me watching Sponge Bob. I don't know how much time went by but Mom called me and Kenzie saying we were leaving so it must be 7:20. Turning off the tv as I grab my homework and dance bag before heading out the door and into the car. Putting my stuff in the trunk as Kenzie throws hers in, I get in the front seat and she gets in the back next to Maddie. Mom gets in and starts driving to the studio.

"Are you ready for this season Kay?" Moms asked me, making me think

"Yeah, I'm ready. I just don't want there to be a lot of fighting like last season." I told them making Maddie laugh

"The fighting happens 24/7," Maddie told me as she takes pictures of her and Kenzie on her phone

"Okay moving on. Do you have any upcoming projects that you have to film?" Mom asks me as we turn the street the studio was on

"Yeah, I have a few. I'll have to ask Julie about that" I told her as she pulled into a parking spot. As mom is turning off the car I get out and help Kenzie get out of the car before giving her, her dance bag as she and Maddie have a race on who can get the door first.

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