~~Cheerleader Blues~~

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After last weeks competition, I think it's safe to say Ms. Abby is not going to be happy with us

"Let's go girls, come on" Ms. Abby called for us from the studio

We walk in with the moms as Ms. Abby speaks to Vivi-Anne

"Vivi-Anne where's your dance clothes?" Ms. Abby spoke out making all us girls turn to Vivianne

"It's in the car" Vivianne whispered

"You need to be dressed and ready to dance when you walk in this building. Yes" Ms. Abby says as Vivi Shakes her head up and down

"I want to recap a little bot about the competition, now there are some things that went on that maybe you don't even know about" She said before she started pointing to the girls

"Your mom was upset about the costume, your mom was upset about the costume before you went on stage" Ms. Abby says pointing at Nia and Chloe

"But that can not happen again. Let's talk about what we're gonna do this weekend. We're going to New Jersey and we are going to do an acrobatic gymnastic routine. " Ms. Abby told us

Makayla  Maddie

Chloe  Brooke

Nia  Paige  Mackenzie  Vivi-Anne

"Overall I evaluated all of your performances so Makayla you won so that's why you're on top and Maddie you won the competition and the title so I'm going to put you right next to your sister, yes" Ms. Abby says as Maddie side hugs me and mom smiles

"Makayla, there's no new solo for you this week because I want you to focus on helping Brooke with the younger girls, got it" Ms. Abby says as I nod my head

"Brooke and Makayla you two are the lead. I expect you two to help the younger students and Brooke I expect you to know the choreography first and be able to help everybody else with Makayla" Ms. Abby told us

"All right Nia, Paige you'll be doing the tumbling part and the Acro part. Vivi-Anne because you're new here and you don't really know all of our terminology I'm going to work privately with you this week and you're going to do a solo at the competition this weekend" Ms. Abby says

I'm honestly surprised because Vivi-Anne just started dancing with us and already has a solo. I kinda wished Kenzie gets to have the opportunity to do a solo soon.

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