Getting My Wizard Supplies

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Luna POV

After I got my robes, my mum came and we went to Flourish and Blotts to get my books.

I got out my list that Professor Dumbledore gave me and read aloud the things to my mom. My mom got the books, I read them to her.

Then after we got my books my mom asked me, "Luna what kind of a pet do you want? An owl, a cat or a toad? Those are the only kind of pets you are allowed to bring to Hogwarts."

Gosh, that's a sort of hard choice.. owls are useful, they can bring you letters and things, whereas a cat can't but still cats are awesome.. I thought. I replied, "A cat mum.."

We went to a place that had all kinds of animals, except for blue whales, elephants, lions, tigers, panthers, eagles, gorillas, horses, ponies etc.. There were cats, owls, dogs, lizards, snakes, rabbits, birds, spiders, toads, all the medium sized animals.

I looked at the cats they had. Most of the cats were either sleeping, eating or fighting. One cat though was rather shy. I noticed him first.

He had a slim body. His gray eyes looked shy but I could see they could be cunning. His fur was very black. He was short furred. He almost looked like me. I too have gray eyes and my sort of short hair was coal black, unlike my mother's long blond hair.

Mum says I got my hair from my dad and my eyes from her. She has gray eyes, and she showed me some pictures of my father, not my step-dad, and I could see he had black hair. Another way he seemed like me is because I can be cunning like he is.

Anyway enough about me. I picked out the black cat. The witch that led us to the cats asked me, "Are you sure? He can be shy sometimes and other times he can be rather tricky."

"I'm sure I want him ma'am." I said politely. She shrugged and got the cat out of the cage. She let me hold him. He was furry and warm.

I stroked his back gently and smiled at him. He purred in delight. I decided to name him Midnight. When we were outside I thanked my mum like a million times. "Thank you mum! Thanks so much, thank you thank you thank you!!" I half shouted half said in norm tone.

She laughed and said, "Your welcome Luna! " I set Midnight down. "Careful dear, he might get lost!" mum exclaimed. I said with a smile, "I don't think he will."

As we walked along, Midnight got onto the roof of animal shop and walked along with us. When we got to the Leaky Cauldron, he jumped down from a roof and walked beside us. A random wizard saw that and chuckled, "Smart cat you got there eh? Hehe."

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