I'm a witch??

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Luna POV

  My magical life started on the day I turned eleven.   I had a birthday party and my friends and family came.  Late in the afternoon when all the people left, I was sitting down just thinking about how fast time could be.

   Wow, this day sure has gone quickly, soon it'll be nighttime then at midnight a new day begins then it ends soon then another day begins and so on, I thought.

I heard a sharp rap on the front door.  I shouted, "I'LL GET MOM!!" and hurried to the door.

  When I opened it an elderly looking guy smiled.  He had half moon spectacles, a flowing silver beard and a twinkle in his eyes.  "Ahh, hello is there a Luna Lily Iris in the house?"  he asked politely.

  I felt rather shy like I always do when I meet someone new.  I am the type of kid that sits in a classroom and doesn't fool around, I just keep to myself.  I don't get into other people's conversations and all that.  I have a quiet reputation.

  I shyly said, "That's me sir.."  The person introduced himself.  "I am Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of a school."  He said.  By that time my mom came out, took one look at him and gasped.

   "Albus!  Oh I am so glad to see you!  After all these years!" She exclaimed and rushed forward to hug him.  Albus chuckled.  "It's good to see you too my dear Hestia," he says.

  I asked my mom, "You know this Dumbledore?"  She nodded and took a deep breath.  I mentally groaned, here comes a Talk. 

  "Luna, I think the time has come for you to know the truth.  You are a witch.  I know you're probably thinking how is that possible or yeah right, and you're a duck, but it's true.  Have you ever wondered why sometimes when you have a flower in your hand it opens up, or maybe when you jump off a swing you go slow coming down?

  "That's magic honey.  I'm a witch too, your father was a wizard but he died so I married you stepfather, Paul (Does that remind you of something particular?).  Your stepfather is a muggle, That's what we call the non magic folk. 

  This Albus Dumbledore is the headmaster of a witchcraft and wizardry school called Hogwarts.  Witches and wizards who are eleven years old get their invitation letter for the school.  So would you like to go to Hogwarts to study magic?"  My mother asked me.

  It sounded cool.  I nodded.  Professor Dumbledore clapped his hands, and said, "Very well then Luna! On September 4th is the first day of school.

  " You will need to get some supplies here is a list of what you need.  Here is a ticket for King's Cross Station platform 9¾.  The train leaves at 9:30 am so don't be late!  Good luck and I will see you again at Hogwarts."

   Professor Dumbledore handed me a ticket that said Platform 9¾ and a piece of parchment paper that had in flowy writing things that said stuff such as 1 Pewter cauldron 1 Black wizard robe 1 Black wizard hat 1 jar of crushed beetle antennas eww and etc.

  He smiled at me and waved goodbye.  Them he turned around and walked away.  When he was out of site I heard a crack.

  "Well we should probably go get your supplies soon Luna.  September 4th is only a month away.  We'll go to Diagon Alley one week before the 4th.  Oh and Luna, please don't tell ANYONE about you being a witch ok?"  my mother said.  I nodded.



Luna Lily Iris (DRACO LOVESTORYWhere stories live. Discover now