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(1) Never trust the system.

That's what Ash had always told him, but he was as stubborn as they get. That's why he stayed with the Militia even after she defected to the Last City. He still couldn't understand why she left, but he was much simpler than her. He was a soldier, a true patriot, but his defiance of authority is what brought them together in the first place. It also helped that he was the only other Exo in the Militia.

"How could she defect to the Last City?" He thought to himself. The people of the Last City were ruthless to any outsiders and wanted to wipe them out, at least that's what he had been told by the Warlord. He usually didn't believe any of the stories he was told, but intel tended to agree with the Warlord's claims.

Nova-6 was the problem child of the Militia, sneaking out, disobeying orders, and occasionally following them, albeit defiantly. To others the name was catchy, to Nova it was a reminder to never fully trust the higher-ups. His commanding officer never had the reigns on him anyway. He'd reset him six times and yet he was too stubborn to forget anything, but they kept him around because he was the best, and he would do almost anything for them. Anything to take out the people of the Last City. He had lost his parents as a baby, and the Warlord had saved him from dying too, saved him from a terrorist attack from the Last City.

The Exo was sitting on a bench in the docking bay, AN-94 Carbine sitting in his lap. His superiors had tried to get him to use the standard issue M416s, but he always preferred his own gear, and they weren't going to convince him otherwise. His carbon black frame and antennas matched his all black gear, but his yellow eyes stood out from everything else.

Nova was patiently waiting for his next assignment briefing, he'd heard it was going to be the big one, the one that finally gave them control in this Civil War with the mysterious city.

Just then his squad showed up in the hangar, loaded up and ready to go.

"Hey tin-can, it's time to go. the briefing will be on the ship." Some of the squad-mates chuckled at the remark.

The Exo picked up his rifle, throwing the sling over his shoulder. He walked up the ramp and into the ship's cargo hold with the rest of his squad. The Captain was waiting for them there.

"As you may have heard, this is a very important mission. Insurgents from the Last City have hunkered down in a nuclear bunker and are in possession of a very powerful arc core. This core could be used to level an entire city, or in our case, our entire base of operations. Word is the insurgents are planning to use this nuclear bunker to launch a missile with this core inside and wipe us out. It's our job to stop that at all costs."

"Using a bunker to launch a missile? That doesn't make any sense." Nova muttered to himself.

"Is there a problem tin-can?" Nova's Captain would often call him out since he was the only Exo in the entire squad.

Nova looked up and sarcastically nodded back to the Captain. "No sir." Nova was never bothered by any of the remarks, he didn't really care, and if he did, he could choke slam any of his squad-mates in seconds.

The Exo watched as the squad droned through the schematics and tactics of the mission. There wasn't much to go through since they didn't have any blueprints of the bunker.

The Militia squad immediately took off towards the bunker. They would land a couple of miles out and sneak their way over. Nova sat on the end of the bench as usual. He didn't talk much, especially not to these people.

One of the soldiers next to him nudged him on the shoulder. "Hey tin-can, what happens if I press this button right here?" He pointed over to a small button under his left antenna.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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