Chapter Two | Apologies

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After Xander told me to go to his office, I left the dining room and went straight there. I already knew that Xander would be scolding me for being rough with Maddi. But she is my little baby monkey, after all, and I can't help but tease her all the time.

As I was zoned out into my own world, I didn't notice that Xander had already walked into the room. "What are you thinking about?" He questioned as he sat on his chair across from me.

"Nothing." I replied back to him. "Are you sure?" He asked again as I just shrugged my shoulders. "Okay then, so why were you being mean to your sister?" Asked Xander. "I wasn't being mean to her on purpose." Said Jackson as he faught the urge to roll his eyes.

He looked at Xander, who was looking at him with raised eyebrows, then said, "Okay, I admit I was being mean to her, but I was mostly just teasing her, because she stole my cookies." Xander looked away from Jackson, shaked his head, and sighed.

"Okay then, I have nothing to say to you other than you should apologize to her. Because, by the looks of it, she's quite upset with you. Additionally, if you don't apologize and make it up to her, I'll take your phone away for a month."

Jackson then groaned at the thought of not having his phone with him for a month. Although he had just turned eighteen, Xander still takes his phone away from him. "Fine, I'll apologize to her." Jackson said, not liking the fact that he had to.

He was not one who liked to apologize and show his soft side as much, but he'll do anything for his baby and his phone. "Good. Now, get out of my office. I've got some work to do. After I'm finished, I'll come check on you little brats later. Probably in an hour or two."

Xander said to Jackson, kicking him out of his office. Jackson got up and immediately went across to where Xander was sitting on the other side of the table and gave him a tight hug, and messed with his hair, when Xander said, "Ugh! Leave my precious hair alone and get lost you brat!"

"Ugh! Rude much! Whatever, bye Xan Xan!" Jackson said, leaving the room and closing the door behind him. Then, he began to head down the haul towards Maddi's bedroom.

When I was in front of Maddi's bedroom door, I knocked on it and heard Maddi asking, "What?!" I then asked, "Can I come in?" That's when she recognized who I was and said, "No! I don't wanna see you!"

Without listening to her, I opened the door and entered, closing it. "That wasn't very nice of you, monkey. How could you tell your favorite and most handsome brother to go away?" Jackson said to her while placing his hand on his chest and gasped dramatically.

"Go away Jackson!" I yelled at him as I tried to contain my sobs in. "Baby." Jackson said, then sighed as I felt my bed dip. "Look, I didn't mean to drop you on top of the counter that hard or throw you up that high in the air." Jackson said as he placed his huge arm around my tiny body, pulling me closer to his.

That's when I asked, "Why are you so mean to me?" As I continued to sob, not caring that he saw anymore. "Monkey, it's not like that." He said, then sighed. "It's just that I love teasing you, baby. That's what big brothers are for. Well, at least that's what I can say about myself. You're my only sister, and that too, my little baby monkey." He said, then chuckled.

"But, I promise that I'm not mean to you on purpose. It's just that I like to have a little fun with you, and it just ends horribly, like today, for example." He said and grumbled at the last part.

"So what are you trying to say, Jacky?" I asked teasingly, but I exactly knew what he wanted to say. "You know what I mean baby." He said to me. "No, I don't." I said and gave him the most innocent look I could've given him, as my sobbing subsided whilst he groaned.

"Ughh fine. I am sorry for being mean to you today, Monkey. I shouldn't have plopped you on top of the counter that hard." He said as he held me tightly against his rock-hard chest.

"It's okay, Jacky. I forgive you. But I know you're not gonna stop being mean to me." I said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, baby." He said, giving me a kiss on my forehead. "But I will admit, it was such a cute site when Gray had to rub your little butt because the baby got injured." He said teasingly as my face flushed red as he smirked.

"Jackyyyy stoppp." I said, trying to stuff my head further into his chest. "Okay, monkey, I'll stop. But only for now." He said, tickling me as I burst into a fit of laughter and sprawled out on the bed all exhausted.

"Wanna go eat some ice cream with sprinkles?" He asked me, as my eyes lit up with excitement. "Yes! please!" I yelled as I forgot about the events that occurred today. "Okay, let's go. But you have to be quiet and you have to promise me that you won't tell Xander. Deal?" He asked, in a hush tone, as if Xander could hear us.

"Deal." I said as he got up, picked me up, and exited my room. While we were walking along the hall, we quickly dogged past Xander's office as we quietly sped down the stairs, trying to contain our giggles.

As we got down the stairs, Jackson and I both stood behind the kitchen wall as we peeped by poking our heads out slightly to see if anyone was there. Just like the old days when we were younger, both Jackson and I would sneak down to the kitchen late at night to eat ice cream without our parents or Xander knowing.

But if they did find out, Jackson would always take the blame for both of us, just so that I did not get in trouble and I would cry because of it. Even after he was scolded, he would comfort me and then put me to bed.

Just the thought of it makes me want to cry, I missed our mom and dad. I had not realized that a tear had slipped from my eyes and slid down my cheek until Jackson saw it and asked, "Baby, are you okay? Why are you crying again?" With concern in his voice.

"I miss mommy and daddy Jacky." I said as I began to sob again, ruining our sweet moment. "Monkey." He sighed once again before lifting me up as I placed my head on his huge shoulders as I sobbed. He took me into the kitchen and placed me on top of the counter, gently this time as he hugged me.

"I miss them too, baby. I miss them too." That's all that came out of Jackson's mouth. He had no idea how to explain what he felt to his ten year old sister. After a good five minutes of being in that position, Jackson decided to break the silence and asked, " Baby, are you ready to eat ice cream with sprinkles on top?" Not wanting to talk about such a sensitive topic anymore.

"Yes, Jacky, I'm ready." I said as I've regained my energy once again. "Okay baby, go get the bowls while I get the ice cream and sprinkles." He said, off on his mission. "Can we add brownies in there too Jackyy?" I asked in a sweet voice, trying to butter him up.

"I don't see why, not monkey." He said cheekily as he smirked, and I squealed and jumped in joy as he chuckled."Let's just hope Xan doesn't find out, or he'll chop my head off." He said, mumbling the last part to himself internally rolling his eyes.

Jackson had decided last minute to use one big bowl instead of two, as that's too much dishes to wash after were done. His words, not mine. As we were finished, adding the ice cream, sprinkles, and brownie to the bowl, we devoured each and every bite.

As we both were about to take our last bite, we heard someone saying,"What's going on down here?!................"

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Word Count : 1457

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