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I'm sorry, but the bliss never quite lasts long.


Ryan entered into the hushed silence of the dining hall.

He walked to the counter and was served his plate with a stare that was vaguely accusing.

The walk to find an empty seat wasn't that long, but time seemed to go on forever as he tried to ignore all the eyes on him.

When he finally sat down to dig into his meal, someone elbowed him from the side.

It was Amber.

"What did you do last night?"

Hot, searing kisses rained down his neck as he held onto the mop of dark hair for dear life, moaning when a palm cupped his behind with purpose. He had never felt so alive before, set on fire with passion that he'd just been introduced to.


Ryan snapped out of it.


"Were you out of bed yesterday?" Amber asked pointedly, but still keeping her voice low.

Ryan frowned, annoyed. Amber's daily interrogations were growing tiresome to him. She wasn't his mother, and Ryan wasn't a kid.

"Yes." He admitted, resisting the urge to shrug in nonchalance. He was a prince, after all.

"You don't deny it?" The girl asked, disbelieving.

"It seems you've found out anyways." Now he did shrug.

Amber breathed, looking back to her own plate. Next, when she spoke, her voice was unwavering and cold.

"You may do as you wish, Rafael, but take a look around you first." She moved her eyes across the room full of servants who, though busy with chatter now, kept throwing him glances inconspicuously.

"These are not your colleagues, they are not your allies, and they are definitely not your friends."

She looked at him.

"These are hyenas, Perion hyenas, waiting for you to slip up and lose the crown prince's favour."

She took a sip from her glass of water and stood up, her plate of food barely touched.

"And when you do, they will eat you alive."


Ryan let out a squeak of surprise when his back hit the bed all of a sudden, the crown prince descending on him with a predatory grin.

"My... lord..." He breathed between their two bodies, daring to put his hands on the older man's shoulders.

"My name," The prince insisted, nosing his neck. "is Nusrat."

Ryan nodded, but didn't repeat. In reproach, the prince bit his earlobe.

"Ouch!" He let out, the unexpected attack catching him off guard. He wanted to smack the smirk off the man's face, but resorted himself to a disdainful stare.

"Say my name."

Ryan cringed at the demanding tone. How could he call the prince by his given name when the older man didn't even know his real name?

"I can't." He reasoned. "It's not my right."

"Oh?" Nusrat raised an eyebrow. Leaning down, he grabbed the younger man's waist with one hand while the other inched down to the creamy thighs barely covered up by the bunched up fabrics of a beige servant's uniform tunic.

"And is this your right?" He spoke as he peppered kisses along the pale neck beneath him. "To be in my bed, being worshipped by me?"

Ryan's breath hitched, and his words stuttered.

"I..." He gasped when the warm hand on his thigh started stroking his soft skin. "Please."

"Please what?"

"Please kiss me!"

"Please who?"

"Please." Ryan gritted out when the hand inched higher and higher.


"Please, Nusrat, kiss me."

And Nusrat did just that, putting his lips on Ryan's with enough force to bruise, tongues seeking out to explore, to dominate and conquer. Ryan's hand gripped the broad shoulders tightly, moaning when a hand ghosted over his clothed length.

A frantic yelling outside the chambers stopped them dead in their activities as their bodies tensed up in anticipation, ears trying to catch what news the soldiers had brought.

There were several "My lord!" and then-

"My lord! You must make haste!"

"What, what is the issue?" The crown prince yelled back, still holding Ryan in his arms, who had gone cold in fear, sweat breaking out on his pale face.

"My lord, the Sythian have attacked!"

Nusrat's grip around him went lax.


Forgive me ;)

But I think you'll enjoy the outcome...? Haha, we'll see!

Vote and comment! <3333

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