The family dinner🍱

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Mrs Bloomfield & Baby Abby 🥰💖

Mrs Bloomfield & Baby Abby 🥰💖

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Mr.Bloomfield & Ken

Once's down  stairs  ken helped  her mother set the table  for dinner 🥘 , while dad  🥰 feeds baby abby burp her and put  her to bed  🛌

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Once's down  stairs  ken helped  her mother set the table  for dinner 🥘 , while dad  🥰 feeds baby abby burp her and put  her to bed  🛌. Fitting in  his usual position at the table making small talks and having  dinner  🍽 with  his  loving  🥰 family the telephone ☎️ rang interpreting his conversation.
"Are  you gonna  take that  hunny or should i do it " mrs Bloomfield  ask curiously while picking up the telephone 📱 "hello ", she  spoke into the  receiver "mr Pickel  am sorry to  hear about the school" was the  last thing she said before slamming the  receiver shut  making  everybody one  jumped as she returned to  her seat  💺 "that was  mr Pickel  on the phone there darling ,there was a fire 🔥 in the science  🧫 lab which was badly  damaged and  school  will be online for  some  time ", she  said  before clearing  the dinner table  to do  the dishes. "Was  any one hurt" 😢 mr .Bloomfield asked  "not that i  heard  of every ones  fine" ken excuses her self to go  to  her room after  dinner  🥘 she collapsed  on her bed  and  took  out  her computer  💻 to face time her bestie  "hey blish ", she  said  they  chat  for hours  until they  both drifted off bed 😴. Heading  up stairs to check  on her daughter Andy aka mrs Bloomfield kiss her  daughter's forehead  removed the laptop 💻 from her bed and  place it on the  table by the lamp  🪔 she threw a
blanket over her figure and  sigh tomorrow will be a very long day before headed back downstairs  behind closed 🚪 door.

A 19 years old  love story Where stories live. Discover now