A turn for the un expected🪫

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Sun 🌞 shines through the open curtain  🦅 birds chirp awaking ken from her slumber, checking  her  alarm clock ⏰ it was almost 🕢 7:30 which  means  class begins in 10 mins. Jumping out of  bed running 🏃‍♀️ to  the  shower 🚿  to   take a quick🛁 bath she got 👗 dress  for  her first day of online 🏫 school. Plugging out her 📱 phone as she  took up 🔝 her laptop 💻  from its  usually place and headed downstairs. "Good morning family ", she  greeted her parents and kisses  her baby  sister. "You look stunning today",  dad comment  while  waving 👋 to  his family and heading out  to the  driveway  then  speed off  down the  road.  Getting her self comfy on  the pink  sofa 🛋 to the window  🪟 ken   open  her  computer 💻 getting  ready  to  enroll   her self in her classroom , her phone 📱lit  up  causing her to  lose her focus  on   the laptop  💻  she    pick up her  phone  and  reads the  message that  flash across the  screen 📺 DUE TO THE INCIDENT THAT TOOK PLACE AT SCHOOL YESTERDAY . LACK OF RESOURCES AVAILABLE WE WON'T BE ABLE  TO BE ONLINE TODAY . PLEASE NOTE WE WILL BE MEETING WITH ALL CHEERLEADERS 📣 FOOTBALLERS AND SCIENCE STUDENTS  PLEASE MEET  IN  THE SCHOOL YARD AT NOON  FOR PRACTICE 🕛. Shutting down her laptop 💻 she went to the kitchen to help  her mommy do the  dishes after doing the dishes she  eat her  breakfast 🥞 and baby sit abby  while mrs bloomfield when  to  the store 🏬  . Calling her bestie as she  puts abby on her play  mat and sits beside  her  " her girl  👧🏼 am babysitting 👩‍🍼  could you come  over so  after mommy comes  we could  go  to  cheerleading practice together ",  Ten mins after hanging up the  phone the door 🚪 bell🔔 rang   ken  pick up her sister and went  to  open the door   "hey  👋 blish they  both  scream", 😱  ken step a side to let her bestie  inside . They both walk  back to  the  living  room  where ken and abby was   on the  play mat  "dam blish you look smoking hot today", "not as you girl look at that ass", ken  answered . Chatting and laughing 😂 as they  both  played with  baby abby then she fell asleep 💤  laying her down on the sofa to sleep 😴 while  helping mom with the groceries bags  💼 "hey  mrs bloomfield" shev  hail ken's mother "you guys should get going ", andy  insist the  girls 👧🏼   pick  their  💼 bags and headed out.

 Chatting and laughing 😂 as they  both  played with  baby abby then she fell asleep 💤  laying her down on the sofa to sleep 😴 while  helping mom with the groceries bags  💼 "hey  mrs bloomfield" shev  hail ken's mother "you guys should get goin...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2023 ⏰

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A 19 years old  love story Where stories live. Discover now