When they see some of your scars

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A/n: shout out to my bestie, she requested this one ilyyy❤️ Enjoy✨
Them as ur husband:

Warnings: mention of nudity and Niki spanking ur bum


- was scrolling on his phone when he saw the scar on your leg when you were changing clothes
- "baby, what's that scar from?"
- you were insecure about your scars so ur heart dropped when u heard him
- "u-um..." U said nervously glancing down at the scar
- "its from when I was little. I was playing and I fell." You frowned, your heart freezing for a moment
- "aww, I'm sorry that happened." He frowned
- "it's okay it was a long time ago" you sighed, still feeling nervous
- "it's cute tho"
- "the scar?"
- "Yeah it's like an extra little sound effect in a song that makes it more complete"
- you nodded with a giggle, tears in your eyes.
- Hee noticed your emotional eyes and stood
- he looked into your eyes and then kissed your lips gently and passionately
- "I love you. You're so perfect"
- your heart fluttered and you smiled, a few tears falling, "thank you. I love you too"
- "of course my angel" he kissed your hair and hugged you close


- you got outta the shower and Jay was sitting on your guys' bed
- he silently admired your beauty as you dried off
- you blushed the entire time, knowing full well, Jay was watching you
- ............. *crickets*
- "rawr" Jay said flirtily, breaking the silence
-"Aish! Park Jay!" You threw your towel at him. - he laughed and started to compliment you when his eyes caught a scar on your upper arm
- he scanned your body for more scars and saw many other scars on your hands, arms and legs
-"Love..? Where did you get all those scars?"
- "All those scars you have, where are they from?" He looked concerned
- He crawled off the bed over to you
-"Ya!" You covered your chest and turned your back to him. "Lemme at least put something on before you come to me! I'm only half clothed in my underwear!"
- Jay chuckled, "It's not like I haven't seen you before, babe. Besides, you're so beautiful." He became serious in an instant as he grabbed your arm, inspecting it.
-"What are these from?"
-"Just sports, baby." You said, your cheeks bright red. You felt so nervous, standing half bare in front of this gorgeous man but his sweet, honest comments made your insecurities melt away into shyness.
-"Are you sure?" He met your eyes, looking concerned.
-"I'm positive, babe" you reassured.
-"Mkay" he pecked your forehead and said with a smirk, "need help changing?"
-"YA! JAY!" You playfully hit his arm. He laughed, making you blush
- You quickly finished getting changed into your pajamas and tackled him onto the bed, both of you laughing
- You guys spent the night cuddling and watching movies but mostly talking.


- you were in the kitchen cooking your specialty, which quickly had become Hoon's favorite dish
-he walked into the kitchen and back hugged you. "What's my baby making?"
-"Your favorite" you smiled, putting your head back so u were looking straight up at him
-"Mmm.. smells so good.... Like you" he started tickling your neck with his nose and hair.
-"AH!" you exclaimed and started giggling profusely
- You both laughed and giggled.
-"Hoon!" You said when you almost dropped the utensil you were using to make the food.
-"Sorry baby" he laughed, craned his neck forward and kissed your cheek
-He took your hand in his and helped you continue cooking, but he paused when he saw a scar on your outer forearm.
-"What's this?" He said pointing at it.
-"It's a scar, what does it look like?" You said sassily.
-"Ya, you know what I mean.."
-"It's from one time I was helping my dad carry something into the garage and some sharp piece of metal sliced my arm. Not too deep tho." You frowned.
-"Aww.. wish it never happened" he lifted your arm to his lips and pecked your scar.
-"Yeah😕 it wasnt too bad tho"
-"Good" he began mindlessly singing a song and you started singing along, both of you cooking now.

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