When you call them a snack

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A/n: I can just see their faces and reactions in my head🤭🤣 enjoy!🤭❤️
Warnings: suggestive


- you saw him getting ready to go to work and you stopped and just stared, blown away by his beauty
- he saw u in the mirror behind him and staring
- he laughed and said, "Can't get enough?😏"
- you laughed and said, "no.. you're such a snack damn..."
- he paused and blushed
- he giggled and tried to hide his smile but failed
- he then turned around and leaned over you, caging you between his arms
- "well, tonight after I go record.. I'm all yours, princess" he leaned closer and got in your face which made your cheeks flush pink
- you couldn't help but smile and you looked up at him, "okay, my pretty boy"
- he blushed again and leaned in and pecked your lips before roughly grabbing your waist and picking you up
- he then carried you to the living room and kissed you again, squeezing your thighs, before he set you down and left for work


- Jay was trying on outfits while out shopping with you
- he changed and examined himself, then he called for you
- you came over and he took your hand and pulled you into the changing stall with him
- "What do we think, my love? Yes or no?"
- you checked him out and grinned, "Yes! You are just... wow... you look like a whole snack rn, handsome"
- he stayed dead silent and hid his smile, but his cheeks gave away his shyness as u saw him blushing
- you laughed and playfully hit his mostly exposed chest
- he hid his smile and smirked, "well, darling.. are you feeling hungry?" He grabbed your waist and pulled you close so that your chest was pressed against his body
- "very.." you flirted back, leaning dangerously close to him while eyeing his pretty lips
- he closed the distance and tugged on your bottom lip with his teeth, "when we get home..." he began
- "I'm gonna devour you" you finished
- he kissed you gently yet somehow roughly and said, "I think I'd like that"
- you giggled and left the changing stall, leaving him to change back into his normal clothes and continue on your shopping trip


- Hoon and you were cooking and he was wearing the apron you'd gotten him because your mom had suggested it for when she teaches him how to cook😭
- He was wearing a tank top and a silver necklace with simple jeans and you couldn't keep your eyes off of him
- he just looked so hot and ethereal as he assisted you in making dinner
- he finally noticed when you just full on stopped and stared at him
- "take a picture it'll last longer" he said sassily with a wink
- you scoffed and chuckled at his remark
- he continued preparing something like you'd instructed and you noticed his biceps flex every now and then and nearly drooled
- "hey, r u gonna help or am I making dinner now?"
- "sorry you just.. ugh ur such a snack, baby"
- ur manz got FLUSTERED and said, "ahem... did you want me to cook and you can do this or what? What did you have in mind?" He started kind of rambling which you laughed at
- he looked so cute when he was shy
- "here, you can continue and I'll cook so you don't burn the place down" you said with a chuckle that made his knees weak
- when he was done, he washed his hands and walked over to you, back-hugging you
- he pecked your forehead and said, "you look like a snack, pretty girl" he winked at you
- you giggled at his cute behavior and turned around to wrap your arms around him and hug him tight before getting back to cooking


- you were chilling in you and Jake's shared room just scrolling while sitting on the bed
- Jake came out from the shower and u had to fight to keep your jaw from dropping at his gorgeous figure
- his towel was roughly balled up in his hand and hung loosely around his hips
- you accidentally drooled and Jake asked if you'd moved his clothes from where he'd set them on the bed
- you were literally still just in shock of your gorgeous husband
- you'd forgotten the last time you'd seen him this bare and gulped nervously when you saw him smirk and draw closer to you
- "what's wrong, baby girl?" He had a very mischievous look in his eye and you just stared at his tanned body; his abs, hip bones, chest, collarbone and everywhere you could see
- "babe, you're so..." you began
- "I'm so what hm?" He inched closer to your face, "tell me, angel.."
- "youre whole damn snack"
- he giggled and kissed you, "I mean.. I just came outta the shower so I'm clean... and if you want.. we could uh.."
- you blushed, grabbed his towel and pulled him closer, shutting him up with a kiss
- to put it simply... you guys had a long night😉


- he was taking millions of selfies out in the backyard of your guys' house because it was golden hour and he insisted you come and take some pics of him too
- you agreed laughing and not feeling in the mood to take pictures of yourself
- he posed for you and he planned on keeping these photos private so he posed in sexy ways he normally wouldn't
- you were kind of stunned bc like... THE Kim Sunoo was being hot right in front of your eyes
- you took pictures and when you showed him the photos he grinned happily, liking the results
- you turned and looked at him and gazed at him, drinking in his beautiful sight
- he noticed and met your eyes
- after a while of silence and just admiring one another, he giggled and tucked your loose messy hair behind your ear
- he then traced your ear down to your collarbone and it turned you on tbh
- you inhaled sharply and he took a step forward, ready to head inside
- he held out his hand to you and you took it saying, "yk you're a snack Kim Sunoo.. that's why you act the way you do.."
- Sunoo kissed your hand and winked at you, "yes I do.. but I only act like this for you, baby girl.."


- you woke up in the middle of the night feeling really hungry because you'd skipped dinner the night before bc you were mad at Jungwon and were too tired to eat
- you slipped quietly out of bed and headed downstairs to make or find a snack in the pantry
- after like 5 minutes, Jungwon came out of bed and asked, "babe what are you doing?"
- he yawned and itched the back of his neck
- "nothing, go back to bed" you giggled at his cute expression
- "I can't without you..." he said sleepily
- you melted and then turned around to notice he was shirtless
- you blushed because it was extremely rare that you saw ur man without a shirt cuz he's still kinda shy about stuff like that
- he stood there tiredly and looked rly confused tbh at why u were just staring at him
- he glanced down at himself and then at you with his cheeks red, "I uh.. sorry.. I'll go um... put a.. um yeah.."
- he started to turn and walk away but you grabbed his arm and turned him around
- you drunk in his beautiful figure and he stood there feeling flustered
- "babe..?" he said
- you were almost lost in a trance "hm?"
- "why r u looking at me like that?"
- "because you're a snack. And I'm hungry" you had a smirk on your lips and it made him nervous
- he gulped nervously but he just looked hot to you
- "let's go back to bed, hm?" You said in a way that made Wonnie rly shy
- "um.. okay but I'm sleeping cuz I'm exhausted from yesterday's schedule"
- you chuckled, "yeah.. sure"
- y'all had a kinda long night which Wonnie kinda didn't want at first but loved🤭


- you two were at a five-star restaurant courtesy of Niki wanting to take u out on a date
- so you both were dressed up
- you wore a dress he'd picked and he wore a black suit with a few buttons undone
- you couldn't help but stare, nearly drooling over ur man
- he made casual conversation about his day and asked about yours
- after you guys had eaten and he'd payed for the food, you guys started to leave
- however Niki noticed something off on the back of your dress so he pulled you aside where no one could see
- "Baby, wait. Your dress..." he fixed the problem and turned you around by your waist, keeping his hands there
- he smirked flirtily, making butterflies dance in your stomach
- "damn you're a snack.." you mumbled, staring in awe of how hot he looked
- "what was that, babygirl?" He said, leaning down closer to your height with a naughty smirk
- his grip tightened on your waist making you melt
- you grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer to smash your lips on his
- when you pulled away, you said teasingly, "I said you're a snack"
- he let out a low chuckle, "why thank you, baby. You are too." He said licking his lips
- you guys kissed again passionately, only to get caught minutes later by someone walking by
- you guys froze and Niki got shy and you giggled
- after the person walked past you guys, he leaned down and gave you small pecks on your ear before whispering in his deep voice, "I have something for you at home.."
- you felt your cheeks heat up and you smiled, taking his hand, "Can't wait to find out what it is.."
- you guys headed home and he really did have a few gifts for you
- he gave you a huge bouquet of roses, a necklace and uhm... a looong night🤭


Thank you for reading 🧡
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