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THE "GANG" WAS sitting in the living room doing absolutely nothing. in all honesty. they didn't know what to do.

"IM SO BORED!!" y/n exasperated

"we get it, you don't have to tell the whole world." tristan said sarcastically, only to receive a flick to the forehead "OW WTF?!" the boy held his forehead with furrowed brows

y/n simply shrugged with an innocent smile on their face

"hey guys! wanna bake something?" maddy sat up showing the group her phone, it was someone baking a cake

"ohh, we should!!" becca agreed with a smile

"im in!" y/n stood up and placed her hands on her hips

"sure, why not?" mason said

"i suppose it's not a bad idea." miguel crossed his arms, leaning against the wall

"sure, whatever." tristan said acting like he didn't care

it went on like that until everyone agreed

"well~ since i am *obviously* the main character here. i choose to be in charge!" y/n placed one hand on her hip while the other pointed to herself with an extended thumb

"yeah no. you'd burn down the building." tristan said. a "wtf" look on his face

"¡ay, vete a la mierda..!" y/n crossed their arms and huffed, "i have plenty of experience with baking.!" they said, a sound of dissatisfaction in their voice

"sure whatever." tristan said

"come on you two. no one has time for your sibling bickering." maddy stood in between the two, "no ones 'in charge' here." she said, obviously hinting at y/n who had their arms crossed with an offended look on their face

"fine, fine. i get it.. ese hijo de puta.." y/n grumbled, miguel elbowing her in the side, "¡ay! miguel eso dolió.." y/n rubbed her side a pained look on her face as the boy just shushed her

"cállate." he said, a breathy laugh escaping his mouth. y/n stared at him a moment before averting her gaze and walking over to the fridge

"is making cookies alright? thats all we've got."she said, grabbing the cookie dough

"alright!" maddy smiled

maddy looked under the oven and opened the small drawer and pulled out a cookie pan while brady(h.) grabbed the parchment paper

"okay so, first we have to pre-heat the oven to 350°F. tristan, do that." y/n said as she read rhe back of the packaging

"mkay sure." the boy pressed a few buttons on the oven, "done." he announced giving y/n a thumbs up

y/n nodded as she read the next step, "okay now, place a piece of parchment paper on the pan." she looked up and becca had done it

"thank you becca!" she smiled as she read the finale step, "roll the cookie dough into individual pieces and place the at least two inches apart on the sheet." the girl read as she walked over the the pan, opened the package, and took out pieces of the cookie dough with miguel helping her.

once all of the pieces were placed y/n opened the oven and put the tin in the oven, "bake for 10-15 min." she said to herself as she set the timer

"POR FIN, we have finished." y/n placed their hands on their hips as they spun around to face the group of people behind her

"you're so dumb.." mason looked at her with a deadpanned look

y/n's jaw dropped dramatically, "¡MIERDA MASON!" she said just as dramatically

"yeah, yeah whatever." he said nonchalantly before laughing slightly, y/n following

"*anyway*", maddy dragged, "we've gotta wait now." she finished, crossing her arms

"yeah.. what do you guys wanna do?"  brady(h.) asked

"idk. we've done something and now everything else is boring." y/n said

"wanna watch a movie or something?" miguel suggested

"sure, which one?" tristan asked

"Ooo~ how about 'texas chainsaw massacre'?" y/n said, giving and obvious glance at miguel

"really?" he laughed

"yup~!" y/n nodded before walking into the living area


everyone was sitting on the couch watching the movie until mason spoke up, "am i the only one who smells that?" he looked back into the kitchen

"now that you mention it.. it kinda smells like something burning.." y/n said before her eyes widened in realization, "THE FUCKING COOKIES." she shot up and ran into the kitchen, opening the oven and seeing the cookies were practically pitch black. "what in the nick nack patty wack give a dog A GOD DAMN BONE IS THIS SHIT." she looked wide eyed at the burnt cookies as the smoke alarm started going off

everyone else ran into the kitchen and seen the cookies

"what the fuck happened?" brady asked, a look of bewilderment on his face

"HOW DID THEY BURN?!" maddy asked in disbelief

y/n scanned the oven to see what was wrong until she seen the temperature and deadpanned. her eye twitching slightly as she looked over to tristan

"400 FUCKING DEGREES TRISTAN. HOW DO YOU MESS UP THAT BADLY?" she pointed at the temperature violently her face covered with an unreadable expression

"uhm.. sorry..?" he shrugged his shoulders a nervous smile on his face

"PUTA-" she yelled before running after tristan, him screaming bloody murder

"WAIT Y/N-! SPARE ME PLEASE" he was running around the house, y/n chasing him. everyone else was either trying to cool down the burnt cookies or trying to stop y/n from strangling tristan

miguel had finally grabbed y/n and was holding them back by their waist, them yelling random curses at tristan in spanish.

"what in gods name is happening here?" ethan and james came down the stairs. everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at them.

everyone was silent. until they all erupted in a loud "IT WASNT ME." everyone was pointing fingers until james broke it up

"guys. guys. stop. just tell us what happened." he ushered

"well. we were baking cookies but tristan set the oven to 400° instead of 350°, somehow, and y/n got upset because the cookies were burnt and then they started chasing tristan around the house." miguel explained, still holding onto y/n just in case they decided to run after tristan again

"i see.. so thats why you're holding them like that?" ethan crossed his arms, raising a brow

"yup." he said nonchalantly, y/n deadpanning as she slowly looked up at ethan

"great. keep it down." james said turning around, him and ethan going into their rooms

"well that was.. interesting?" becca said, breaking the silence

"definitely." brady agreed

"well.. lets clean this up and go to bed.." miguel let go of y/n and walked into the kitchen

y/n watched his movements for a moment before following



anyway~~ romantic tension between y/n and miguel 🤨🤨 its cool 🤭🤭 in the next chapter im gonna try and include more of the actual movie shit so~~ hope you're looking forward to it😋 bye bye lovelies!!

started: god knows when
finished: 6/10/2023
words(total): 1,208

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