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Y/N WAS OUT on her own today, she was gonna go with miguel but he was busy, she was running a few errands for the rest of the group.

she walked into the store and for a quick second everyone's eyes were on her, but they all turned away, except one person.

it was a boy, a boy she didn't know. but his eyes followed her as she walked into the isle next to his. she felt his stare but tried to brush it off until she noticed him approaching her.

she bit her lower lip out of nervousness as she grabbed a few other items pretending not to notice him

"i know you can see me miss washington." the boy crossed his arms, a cocky grin on his face

y/n furrowed her brows at the familiar voice. nathan.

~new character!~

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~new character!~

"what do you want." y/n said dryly

the boy limply rose his hands in defense

"calm down y/n, i don't mean any harm." the boy had the same grin on his face, making y/n internally cringe

nathan was a boy who went to y/n's school, he was kinda known as the schools fvck boy. and he really had a thing for y/n, even though they made it quite clear they aren't interested.

"yeah whatever. i've got to go. bye." y/n tried to push past the boy but he moved in front of me

"leaving so soon, washington?" he teased, crossing his arms

the girl rolled her eyes before responding, "yes, now get out of my face." she furrowed her brows, her grip on her basket

"woah, don't have to be so hostile~! but don't worry, i'll let you go on your way now." the cocky grin on his face only growing wider, "but don't expect to not see me again, washington~" he winked at y/n, causing her to visibly cringe

"yeah, whatever." after that y/n walked away, and up to the register to check out

when she got up to the register she glanced behind her, the boy was still looking at her, but only for a moment because once he realized she caught him he turned around and went into another isle out of her view

"hey, i seen you and that guy talking, you seemed kinda uncomfortable, you okay?" the girl behind the register spoke

y/n looked up at her, she had a name tag that read "riley"

y/n gave the girl a polite smile as she set her items on the conveyor belt

"yeah, i'm good." y/n responded

the girl returned the smile as she began scanning the items

"boys, am i right? just can't take a hint." the girl spoke up again, "i'm riley bye the way, though i'm pretty sure the name tag gives that away." she laughed

trust ❦ 𝑚𝑖𝑔𝑢𝑒𝑙 𝑐. 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑎 𝑥 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now