Chaper 6 - Missing Her

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we have arrived here in england I'm still sad about what happened but i asked mom to call freen's mom but she said that she couldn't remember freen's mom's number this makes me tear up after my mom said that she couldn't remember i ran up stairs 'cause this affect me so much i cried because i miss her, i cried because how will i call her, right??

how am i going to keep in touch with her???how will i call her??? i want to see her. i want to hear her voice. i want to talk to her. i miss her so much. i wanna go back, but i can't. i don't know what to do. in the process of crying i didn't notice that i already closed my eyes, by the time i woke up it's already sunny outside it's kinda late it's already 10:50 in the morning i have to get up and eat.

Weeks After

i still can't get over it i miss phi bunny so much i don't cry about this anymore but i still miss her, i still want to go back, i still want to hear her voice, i want to see her, i want to hug her again.

i can't stay up all night thinking about her again i hope she's thinking about me too. i have to go to sleep 'cause it's going to be my first day of school in here again in england so i have to sleep now.

The Next Morning

"hey kiddo wake up, you still have school" my dad said while shaking me gently so that i won't be startled i hmm in respond i still don't have the energy to talk so i sat up and get of my bed to go to shower after i go to shower dad left my room and i started to do my business after the shower and dressing up i went down to eat breakfast so that i can go to school with richie and mom.

after eating dad said that he will take us to school instead of mom he said that mom have some errands of course we agreed. richie is not that sad because his in touch with his "crush" because mom still know the number of Richie's crush's mom.

we have arrived at the school this is my school before we went to thailand i don't really have some friends here because I'm not that good at communicating and when i try to talk to them they will end up being annoyed, or some will say I'm too talkative. not my fault i sat down in my desk and the teacher arrived the teacher told me to introduce myself.

"hello everyone my name is Rebecca Patricia Armstrong, you can call me becky and i wanna be an attorney in the future. that's all." i said after my introduction the teacher told me to sit back at my desk then there's this two girls that introduced their selfs too they seems interesting, i wanna be friends with them

the first girl said " Hiii everyoneee my name is Charlotte Astin, you can call me Charlotte, anything you like, i just moved here from Thailand because my dad works here i'm Thai and half British, my best friend is tina!" some kids we're amazed because she's half. some we're asking questions like "can we be friends?", "do you know how to speak thai?", or like "if you know thai can you teach me?". she's so confused because she doesn't know who to answer hahahaha that's cute. "okay okay guysss, guysss pls stop talking miss Charlotte will try to answer those so pls slow down and be quiet" our teache said and suddenly Charlotte spoke up "yes we can be friends, i do speak thai, i know thai because i live there since birth we just move here like i said dad worked here, and lastly yes i can teach you but you have you introduce yourself first!" Charlotte said the teacher is quite shocked becase she just answered all of the questions.

after Charlotte answer all of the questions the teacher told her to sit next to me "miss becky pls raise you're hand so that miss charlotte can sit naxt to you" she said i raised my hand and charlotte went in my way put her bag at the back of her chair and sat down next to me. "hello?" she said "uhm hi my name is becky" i tried to keep it short as possible i don't want the new student to get annoyed with me "ohh hiiii my name is charlotte you're name is cute beckyy" she said i said thank you and after introducing each other the second girl enter and introduced herself.

"hello everyone my name is Thanawan Wigg you can call me tinaa, I'm from Thailand like Charlotte said I'm her best friendddd, i hope we all can get along" she said while smiling of course some students ask some questions again but the teacher interrupt them because tina is having a hard time answering all of the questions and compliments the teacher told her to sit beside Charlotte and she did after sitting Charlotte introduced me to her we 3 became friends.

after class we ate at the canteen together after eating we still had a little time so i tour them around the school so that they won't get lost.

after school we 3 got out and we went to our separate ways it's a long ang fun day my dad and i went home with richie when we got home we changed our clothes so that we can eat.

after eating i got up to my room and play i didn't notice the sky is already turning black its getting dark outside again, i remember her again i really missed her i hope she missed me too, i already wanna see her and hug her. i said this while laying down in my bed i didn't notice that I'm already sleeping.


hi gays this is you're authorrrr i might not be around for some time i have volleyball practice and i will be having a one day league. but I'll try to up date moreeee anyways hope you guys have a great day/night/afternoon be sure to eat at time and sleep at time🫂🫂

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