Chapter 7 - New start

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⚠️excuse my grammatical mistakes/error , english is not my first language.⚠️

Few Years Later

i woke up from the blinding light coming from my window suddenly my phone rang it's my alarm i woke up before my alarm again after turning my alarm off i rub my eyes because it's a little blurry, after that i stand up so that i can stretch well, this will be my last year of junior high school and I'm exited for this.

I'm currently taking a Bath, **some memories of my childhood friend kept crossing my mind i don't know her name anymore. in my memories her face is blurry. i used to like that girl so much i would always want to stay by her side. ah wait yeah i used to call her p'bunny but that was all that i remember hmh I'm curious about her, i wanna know how she looks like 'cause i don't remember her face anymore.....**

After Taking A Bath

i have to go down now i can't be late this is going to be my first day in 10th grade with Charlotte and Tina, yes I'm still friends with them actually we're bffs now!

"Charlotte? Tina? what are you two doing here?"

"why, don't you want a free ride?" tina said and yes tina have a car she drive it sometimes (her father thought her, we only use it when we're going around) but she would call her driver because we're still a minor.

"well of course i want a free ride just surprised, anyways have you guys already eaten yet?"

"no, we're actually here for aunty's cookies, she said that we should come over because she baked some of our fav cookies" Charlotte

"Charlotte, tina do you have a lunch?" mom said asking

"only lunch money aunty" Charlotte and tina said

"oh perfect then, here take this so  you two don't have to buy lunch outside take this" mom said giving them some lunch boxes. after giving Charlotte and tina's lunch mom put a lunch box in my bag, now i miss richie his out of the country his with dad in thailand his currently studying in there.......


we're currently in Tina's car we're headed to the school i can't help but to wonder, who is that childhood friend i used to know alot about her but now i only remember her nickname......p'bunny.......

**i wonder what she looks like, i really can't remember her real name and her face it's all blurry-** my thoughts we're interrupted when charlotte called my name "beckyy!! heyy I've been calling your name..." charlotte said with a worried expression "oh gosh sorry, what is that??" i said "girl is everything alright??? are you good??" tina said while parking the car, i didn't notice that we're in the school's parking lot now "we're here, what's happening to you?" charlotte ask with a hint or worry "oh, eh I'm just thinking about you still remember that Childhood Friend of mine??" i said "oh that p'bunny? no i don't remember much about her, all i remember is the nickname you gave her" tina said while fixing her things "same, you used to show your pictures with her, what happened to that picture?" chalotte said while checking her bag "i don't know, as far as i remember some bullies in elementary took that picture, tore and trew it out the window, i remember myself crying to mom because of that picture because that's the only thing that is left with me...." i said while chuckling "don't you still have the bracelet" tina said while we're getting out of her car "oh yeah i still have it but it doesn't fit anymore. it's somewhere in my closet" i said while walking to the uni's elevator.


we're here in the grade 10th floor we're trying to find our room....."becky is that's our room?" charlotte said "that is our room, finally!!" i said with the hint of excitement this would be the last year of our highschool.

we're in our sits now i when i saw a familiar face, it's non i didn't know his in the same class.

*ugh now i need to deal with him the whole school year*

his a friend from grade 9 and god his annoying  i remember him confessing to me but i rejected him because i clearly don't like that guy his just..... i don't know, he will keep pushing his self event if you said no to him.

i will try to update
sorry for this super late update. this school year is so busy there's so many things to do.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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