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It was a silent night of summer, the clock was ticking away in the silent living room where a little girl of around 6 was helping her mother out with the dishes as she washed them. The woman's (e/c) eyes were set on the clock at the top of the wall opposite her. It showed 11:28. The little girl's (e/c) eyes were set on her mother's face. It showed no emotion until the sound of a car parking in the garage was heard. Both of their faces grew pale, her mother's face was filled with fear as the sound of footsteps nearing the door drew close.

The girl looked at the door as the knob was turned and it was thrown open. In the doorway stood a tall man with a black coat hung on one arm and a laptop bag in the other. He looked with a sharp gaze at his wife and daughter, throwing daggers on them, especially his wife. He stomped inside and sat on the big white sofa with a growl. "(M/N), I want coffee.", he ordered. With shaking hands, the said female made the coffee, while the little girl did what she was supposed to do — taking her father's coat and bag to his room. 

She had just put the things at their place when she heard the sound of glass smashing and her father yelling. She hurried out to see that the floor was covered in coffee and shards of broken cup. The next thing she knew, her mother was slapped by her father, him yelling, "Can't you do a single thing perfectly?! Don't you know how I like my coffee?! We have been married for over 7 years and you still don't know!!!" The lady kept her head down, stuttering a small 'sorry'. 

He gave a laugh and then said, "Sorry, you say?! A sorry?! I am not gonna accept that sorry of yours! You've to be punished for making this mistake! It is because of you that I can't live in peace even at home! You keep making silly mistakes and make me angry! I can't even focus because of you!".

She apologized in vain and all that the little girl could hear were her mother's cries and wails for him to stop as he dragged her by her long (h/c) locks in his study or otherwise torture room.

She cried to sleep and the first thing she saw in the morning was the bruised face of her mother.

Present day

"(Y/N)! Come down here for a bit!", a female voice calls from the kitchen. A tall (h/c) haired girl comes down the stairs, drenched in sweat. She has her hair tied up in a ponytail (or put together with a bandana if your hair are short). She wears a (f/c) sports bra and (f/c) bicycle shorts with white boxing hand wraps. "Yeah mom, what do you want me for?", She says sitting on one of the bar stools near the kitchen island. "I was going to ask you for help in kitchen but I think you should take a bath first.", She says to her impersonation. 

"ok", she says and gives her mother a quick hug before running off to her room while her mother yelled at her for damping her clothes as well. She snickers and gets her bathrobe out of her closet and walks to the bathroom. She dumps the wraps in the laundry basket beside the door, walks in and hangs her robe on the hook in the wall. She turns on the tap, hot water filling the white bathtub while she pulls away her sweaty clothes and adds (your favourite scent) bath oil and gel (whatever they're called) to the water. 

She finally soaks herself in, humming a tune and letting her thoughts run around. Focusing on the sweet scent of her bathing products and lathering the bubbles on her arms, she feels herself disappear in her thoughts until the thought of her father crosses her mind. She clenches her teeth and grips her left arm that she was massaging roughly in a sudden wave of anger. Her eyes shot open and she keeps an angry demeanor for a few more moments before it dies down. She releases her arm and takes a look at it, sighing she gets out from the bathtub and puts the robe around herself. 

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