first day

13 1 1

Arvin pov:

Omg im so scared, this is my first job ever. Let me texts my friends.


Jane: yess are you excited

Arvin: no im scared
I dont know what to do

Anne fleur: that was me when i started working in the action

Arvin: bye i need to go now🥹🥹

Oke here i am in front of the jumbo let me head inside.

Bram pov:

Yes boss ill go and refill the kaasplankjes, wait who is that girl over there she seems lost maybe i need to help her.

Someone pov:

Bram walked over to Arvin and said "moet ik je helpen met iets mevrouw"(miss do you need help with anything), yes answered arvin. Do you prehaps know where the head manager is Arvin asked. Yes answered Bram you see the door over there knock on it then you can enter the room.
Thank you so much said Arvin to Bram.

Bram pov:

Wow who is this fine young lady is she going to work her i really hope, ugh my whole day is ruined just by looking at Harioto face how can he be so perfect while i look like a fucking rat.

Arvin pov:

*knocks on the door* may i enter, Arvin walked in the room and sat on the chair.  Hi im Arvin this is my firsy day here. Oh Hi im Mahmoed the head manager, here is your uniform and dont talk to me unless its necessary. Okay thank you so much have a great day, ugh i already hate the head manager.

Harioto pov:

MOVE OUT OF MY WAY NEWBIE, ugh i hate new employees with my whole heart. Hi Bram are you heading to the kaasplankjes let me go with you. Do you know who that girl is that just left the head managers room no answered Bram no get off me. Bruh aint no way the cheese head told me to go away

Someone pov:

Bram walked in to the cafeteria only to see arvin there wondering how to work a coffee machine.
Do you need help asked Bram, yes please answered Arvin. Harioto entered the cafeteria just to see Bram flirting with Arvin, Bram Bram Bram you have a new victim now, says you you make every girl fall in love with you. Sorry that i cant do anything about it. About what? That im hot and you not dont you agree newbie, i think everyone is pretty in their own way says Arvin. I so agree with you agree girl, i think Bram is hot and Harioto not. Says you with your blond hair that almost look invisible said Harioto.

End of the day

Arvin pov:

Tomorrow i will tell my friends everything that happend today.

Hi everyone this is part 1 of my first story jumbo romance:))
I hope i can see you guys next Saturday<3

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