Hiebie jibies

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Someone pov:

Guys run fast its code red, where is Arvin. Guys im here let me explain, so basically Bram hacked my phone and is looking with me thru the camera. Girl what your lying right RIGHT said Anne Fleur, no she is not Bram did this before with a other girl and that girl moved to a other city because of him. This whore omg im going to slap that bitch what is his problem bro. Jane calm down said Willem. We need a plan said Horatio, the plan is arvin is going to lure him in the stock room and we close the door and get him fired. No thats so dumb we need someone to ask where the stuff is and sneak in the storage room and meet him there said Anne Fleur. Willem call your sister, okey *30 min later* hey Willem whats wrong, can you ask this guy where the noodles are. BROOOO you needed me for that, yes its important so fast. Fine, SLAYYY QUEEN.
Sir do you know where the noodles are, uhm let me check the storage room wait here. Guys he is going to the storage room, sis you can go home its not save. This storage room looks so sketchy said Jane,*Bram enters stock room* hi princess what are you doing here baby girl so alone you know there is no one to bother us here. Ew dont call me baby girl you ugly rat, oh were playing hard to get now okay listen your mine oke. *whispering* oke guys first im going to them and ask whats going then he will prob attack me so then comes Willem with his pen, if that didn't work Jane you come with yout key and Anne Fleur you come with your pencilcase. Ummm what is going on here Bram, ugh what are you doing here you are ruining the moment. Broski listen here if you didn't know this is harassment, what are you saying im just claiming whats mine. Listen here you whore girls are not objects that you can claim you little dip shit, oke how about you claim this hands. Naahhh he tought he ate bahahahhaha this little ass sucker said Jane, baby what are your friends doing here. First of all not your babya and second of all you are a fugly funky piece of shit you bitch. What *slaps Arvin* nah uh he did not yall lets attack, they run towards Bram and they are ready to attack him but there team leader interups WHAT IS GOING ON HERE, BRAM ARE YOU OKAY......

I hope you guys enjoyed it see you next Saturday

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