Chapter 25: Kaitlyn (Lemon)

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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) was in his new room and he just living peaceful for himself and he was sat in the chair and make him was holding his own drink right away and he just holding a cup of coffee and make him drinking it by himself. Then (Y/N) was turn his head to look at the other way and he seeing all everything around him was totally cool as hell and then (Y/N) was holding his revolver and putting the bullets inside at it.

 Then (Y/N) was turn his head to look at the other way and he seeing all everything around him was totally cool as hell and then (Y/N) was holding his revolver and putting the bullets inside at it

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(Y/N): "*Sigh* Well, I have to do this right for this world and family and myself." He said to himself and make him was done with reloading the revolver and he was done with reloading and make him put the revolver on the table and he sigh out and make him put his hand on his hair and ruffling at it. When he turn his head to look outside and saw Laura was out there and she was helping the other campers about how they were doing and this make him was looking at her who was sad and she look at him and make him look away from her.

(Y/N): "Well, I gotta thinking about this situation." He said to himself and he heard the door knocking and he asked.

(Y/N): "Yeah, come on in!" He said to whoever it is and make the person who opened the door and let the person revealed itself is a girl and that is Kaitlyn and she was here for (Y/N) and she asked him.

Kaitlyn: "Hey, (Y/N)." She said.

(Y/N): "Hey Kaitlyn....can I help you?" He asked her.

Kaitlyn: "Well, Chris ask you about you really a cooker aren't you?" She asked (Y/N) and make him nod his head and he was asking her that she need helping with the cooks right away and make her nod her head and she want a help too because she cannot doing this alone by herself and she want to help with the other things. This make (Y/N) smile and told her was going to be great and he is gonna helping her how to learn with cooking foods right away and then (Y/N) just helping her lot of things.

Kaitlyn: "Nice, I think it is almost time to make the dinner foods right now." She said to (Y/N) and make him nod his head to her and he was going downstairs right away and prepare for the foods right away.

Time Skip Later.


Kaitlyn: "Whoa." She said.

Abigail: "That was good you did back there, (Y/N)." She said and the two of them are watching at (Y/N) was best amazing cooker and he just making the best foods for everybody are going to eat right away and it seems they both are prepare for the foods right away. When (Y/N) was done with the cooking foods and then he setting it down on the table also getting many plates right away.

 When (Y/N) was done with the cooking foods and then he setting it down on the table also getting many plates right away

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