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"Harry, I don't wanna get up."

Louis blinked sleepily at his boyfriend, poking out his bottom lip. Harry smiled softly, brushing a thumb against Louis's high cheek bone.

"Sorry, baby, we've got to tell the news today about our little bear."

Louis widened his eyes now, startled. "What did you say?"

"Bear? D'you not like it? I can come up with something-"

"No, Harry, it's just that..." Louis's blue eyes darted around the room before he bursted into tears.

Harry was surprised, to say the least. He wrapped an arm around Louis, pulling him to his chest and placing a loving kiss on his forehead. "What's wrong, Kitten?"

"It's just that... My nan, she called me bear. She's gone now, but my mum still calls me that and- it was just surprising, is all," Louis said though his tears.

Harry sighed, pulling Louis up to eye-level and kissing his tears. "Then 'bear' is a no. That's your nickname, yeah?"

"I can make an acception... I like it," Louis said softly, reaching down to pat his stomach fondly. "I'm 'kitten' now."

"Only my kitten," Harry growled playfully, suddenly moving to hover over Louis's smaller figure, pecking all over his face. Louis squealed, giggling a bit.

"Harry, stop!"

"Who's kitten?!"

"I'm your kitten!"

"Who's?!" Harry repeated, nibbling Louis's neck.


Harry laughed into Louis's neck, pecking the bruise. "I just wanted you to say my name, kitten."

"Harry," Louis whispered, pulling lightly at Harry's hair with a fond smile.

Harry hummed in content, kissing Louis's lips before pulling away and standing. Louis blushed as he watched Harry's long torso move to the drawer and pull out two pairs of boxers, tossing Louis one pair and wiggling on the other for himself.

After that, Harry went to the closet and got a bright green and white button-up for himself, along with light skinnies and brown boots. He picked Louis's outfit of skinnies, a forest green sweater of his own, and soft grey TOMs.

Louis smiled, obediently pulling on the chosen outfit. "Harry," he said suddenly, looking up at his boyfriend in alarm.


"When did you tell your mum about us?"

"I didn't." Harry winked and left the room, telling Louis to hurry.


Louis sat awkwardly at a large table. There was only the company of his own mother. His stepdad, Mark, had all of the girls and would he bringing them soon.

Harry had talked to his dad and agreed to pick him, his mum, his stepdad, and his sister up from their hotel instead of each of them renting a car.

Harry hasn't said much about his mother so Louis was nervous.

Finally, Louis saw the familiar red-head man in the company of a chatty girl who was holding hands with a blonde.

Ed, Lennox, and Luke made their way over to the table, greeting Louis and introducing themselves to Jay.

Niall did arrive next and Liam wasn't long behind, talking to Ashton. Mark and the girls finally showed, along with Louis's only brother, Ernest, who was whimpering in marks arms. His sixteen year old sister, Lottie, was carrying Ernest's twin, Doris, and Louis's other three sisters were trailing behind with Phoebe and Daisy, also twins who were 11, on either side of Félicité, who was 14.

Louis greeted the girls with hugs and tears and Lottie eagerly asked where Harry was.

"On his way, you'll meet him soon," Louis said anxiously, glancing at the door.

About five minutes later, Harry came in, but he was looking a little down-trodden. Harry's dad was on his left and a very pretty girl Louis knew to be as Harry's sister was on his right.

Louis glanced around for Harry's mother but didn't see her not did he see Harry's stepfather.

Harry immediately smiled when seeing Louis and practically rushed over to press a long kiss to his lips, blushing when he pulled away. Nearly everyone at the table cooed, except hard-headed Liam and always-silent Zayn.

"Sorry kitten, my mum-"

"Yeah, why's your mother not here, Harry?" Jay asked loudly, furrowing her eyebrows. Harry blushed further.

"She, uh, she caught her lag. I didn't want her to be bothered with it, but I'll, um, I'll talk to her later about... Yeah," Harry paused awkwardly, sitting beside Louis as Jay called a waiter.

Louis was surprised to see the familiar bright-haired lad he saw at the clinic, belly swollen. Louis caught Harry's lips twitch into a smile and wondering what he was thinking until there was a clatter.

The waiter bent down do retrieve his notebook and hit his head on the way up. Luke stood to help, placing his hand on the waiter's hip and shoulder, but the poor lad flinched away from Luke's touch, whimpered, and dashed off.

Everyone stayed silent as Luke blinked in surprise. A new waiter came, but it was the same tan one from when Louis first came to this restaurant with Harry.

"Hey, mates, I'm Calum. Sorry about Michael, he's shy," Calum said, glancing at Luke and back to the table of people.

They all ordered drinks and Louis and Harry introduced everyone to each other before ordering dinner.

It was wonderful, in Louis's opinion. Louis's sisters adored Harry and he knew his mum approved. Mark seemed content.

Gemma, Harry's sister, was kind and charming, even earning a few words from Zayn.

After everyone was finished, Harry coughed and gained attention from the others.

"Okay," Harry started, green eyes darting around. He turned towards Louis, beside him, and Louis smiled softly, meeting his eyes. Harry breathed out. "Okay. Well, to start, I'd like to say happy four months to Louis... And, thank you guys for coming. Uh, the reason we scheduled This dinner is because, um, you see... We wanted to tell you guys that... We're expecting a baby."

The table was silent for exactly three seconds before everyone erupted into chatter. Gemma even started crying, standing up and rushing to hug Harry and then Louis. Harry's friends exchanged glances but didn't say much and Louis's friends shrugged it off and congratulated because they figured it would happen eventually.

Harry and Louis held hands and smiled and kissed.

Louis glanced around at the group and only noticed one difference. Luke was missing.


One word: cummies

Thank xlarrysrealx_ for this update bc I wasn't rly motivated I'm actually pretty depressed but she asked twice for an update and she was excited for it and I don't want you guys thinking I've stopped writing

QOTC: Harry's mother was sick, huh?

Awh what's poor Mikey's deal?

PQOTC: Do you like to swim?

MA: lol I can't swim but I do like the ocean it's pretty

Sit tight, you guys, the stories about to get bumpy


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