Chapter 8: Love Is Like A Battlefield

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As the two walked through the woods, Carlisle and Shelia examined their surroundings, not seeing much except darkness with the occasional green tint of the woods. Carlisle glanced at Shelia, before speaking

''How are you feeling after today?''

They continued to walk forward as Shelia thought about the question

''I don't know to be honest. I mean, I am forever grateful to Rosalie and the Cullen family for accepting me into your family, I felt strangely at peace around the shifters, but I still feel like there is an empty void inside me, just refusing to disappear''

Carlisle smiled in understanding

''We vampires are quite good company. It's nice to have a new addition, makes us more human, in a way. That peace, we both know why that is happening, your hear is just refusing to accept it because you don't want to be broken again. The void is your heart trying to heal, but also remembering what happened. It's up to you now to make a choice which way to go. It's not going to be easy, but you got us supporting you''

Shelia nodded as she listened to everything Carlisle said

''Ever thought about being a Psychologist. You pick apart the brain like it's a simple jigsaw''

Carlisle chuckled lightly

''I think I prefer to be a doctor instead. But I'll think about it''

''You should, you'd be good at it''

The two soon reached the Cullen residence, where the rest of the family were waiting in the living room for them. Walking into the living room, Shelia sat on the couch next to Rosalie who gave a quick one arm hug to the girl.

''How is the dog?'' the blonde vampire asked

''Healing'' Carlisle replied ''He'll pull through''

Everyone relaxed slightly, before Rosalie got up and took Shelia to show her her new room. Walking through the doors to her new room, Shelia smiled slightly and settled down onto her bed, closing her eyes as soon as her head hit the pillow. Rosalie laughed slightly and left the room, leaving the mage to rest in peace.

Later in the night, Shelia woke up with a gasp, catching her breath as she hastily made her way out of her bed and downstairs. She left the Cullen house and sat in their backyard, looking up at the starry skies, replaying her dream in her mind. Zena was in her dream, walking away from her, with blood trailing behind her, staining the nature around her. Her skin as white as snow, as cold as ice, as deadly as a sword. In her hand, she held Shelia's heart and crushed it, turning into into nothing more but ash.

''Penny for your thoughts?''

Startled Shelia looked behind her to see Jasper standing in the backyard, leaning against the wall. Shelia smiled gently at him

''Just a bad dream. Nothing to worry about''

Jasper pushed himself off the wall and sat beside Shelia as he looked at her

''But it worries you and that is a problem. You feel lost and empty, two of the most cruellest feelings to encounter. Want to talk about it?''

There was a moment of silence before Shelia replied

''I'm just trying to understand why my love wasn't enough to keep Zena with me. I wish I could fix whatever the problem between us was. I want to get her back, but I also don't want to love again. It hurts too much''

She looked forward into the woods as a tear fell from her eye, freezing on her cheek and falling to the ground, shattering into miniscule shrapnels. Jasper looked up at the sky as he spoke

''Love is a complicated concept. Everyone has a different understanding of what love is. I learned long ago that love is a battlefield, Now, I suggest you get comfy. This is going to be a long explanation''

Shelia looked at Jasper curiously as she got comfortable on the ground, laying on her back and gazing up at the sky above.

''As I said, love is a battlefield'' Jasper began ''you never know how it's going to end. You have some casualties, some victories and some losses. But when the battle ends, there is still the war to win. In love you have heartbreaks, dates, marriages, separations and divorces. The end of love is like a bullet, fired with only one aim. To kill. Bullets hurt, so does love. Bullets can kill. So can love, or a lack of it. The person firing the bullet, is usually not a stranger, but rather someone who you hold most dear. Their words are like bullets ripping into your heart, their strikes not easily missed. They always find their target and then BANG! Your heart shatters. You shut yourself out, close the door to your heart, lock it and throw away the key far behind you. But there comes a time when someone comes along and gently knocks on this door, waiting patiently to be let in, and I believe a certain someone is knocking at your heart's door. I strongly advise you let them in''

The vampire looks at Shelia, to find her looking at him with tearful eyes, as her voice is a mere whisper

''I don't want to get shot again''

''You won't get shot, I promise'' Jasper holds out his pinky finger towards Shelia, who just looks at him in confusion

''But how can you be sure?''

''I'm somewhat of an expert when it comes to emotions. Don't leave me hanging here. Pinky promise?''

Shelia just chuckled lightly as she linked her pinky finger with Jasper's

''I promise you won't get shot''

''I promise to try and open my heart''

''That's all I ask for''

The two continued to sit in the backyard for some time, until Shelia fell asleep and Jasper carried her back to her room, tucked her into bed and smiled fondly at her

''Sweet dreams'' he kissed her forehead and quietly left the room.

Zena's POV

Everything felt perfect. I found my mate, my true love and we can finally be together. It's an amazing feeling when you know nothing can get in your way of happiness. I mean, who would want to against anyone as powerful as the Volturi, it's a suicide mission no one would be stupid enough to pursue.

I followed Jane, as she seemed to glide across the hallways of the Volturi residence, just being in her presence fills me with pride and power. She is a tough cookie, that one is. I was unable to hide my nervousness though. I mean, I am going to be meeting my mate's family, not to mention that they are literally the top dogs when it comes to the vampire world. Just thinking about being in their presence makes my hands shake and sweat slightly. But I'll be fine, I got Jane with me and I got complete faith that she would never hurt me. My trail of thought was interrupted when Jane stopped in front of a set of doors and turned around to look at me.

''Will  you be okay? We can always do this later''

I shook my head and smiled

''I  think I'll be alright, I'm just slightly nervous. I feel like I'm meeting your parents''

We both chuckled as Jane stepped forward and gave me a tight hug

''You have nothing to be nervous about. I'll be with you every step of the way''

She grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers together as she used her other hand to open the doors, making our presence known to everybody inside.

Stepping into the room, Jane led me to three thrones, where ancient looking vampires were sitting. They kind of reminded me of Loki, Thor and Lady Sif. I don't know why, but now that image is stuck in my mind. Alright Zena, this is it. You're about to meet your in laws. 

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