Chapter 10: Coping Mechanisms

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The Cullens had gone hunting. Which meant that Shelia had the house to herself for a few hours and she did not know what to do. She walked around the house, trying to memorize every detail about her new home, she cleaned her room, though there was not much to clean and she decided that she was bored. So with that astounding decision made, the girl made her way to her own house in Forks, feeling nostalgic and wanting to see the place gain. She made her way to the living room and sat on one of the chairs, a comfy blanket wrapped around her frame, enveloping her in what resembled a nest. A box of biscuits and multiple packets of crisps surrounded her as she switched the TV on, browsing through the channels. Not finding much to watch, she sighed and was going to switch the TV off before her eyes caught sight of the film she just switched to. It was her favourite film of all time. She stood up from the seat and stood tall and proud in front of the TV as she raised her hand into the air, holding an imaginary sword, as she yelled out loudly

''FOR NARNIA!!'' she ran around the room fighting of invisible foes, complaining to herself when she got out of breath and had to pause her endeavours briefly, before returning to her adventures. Soon the film came to the part where the Pevensie siblings were being crowned as Kings and Queens of Narnia. She paused in her adventures, a spoonful of ice cream in her mouth and watched as the siblings stood proudly, together. The thought of them being together dampened the joyous mood and Shelia found herself back on her seat, this time with a tissue box as she sniffled quietly. She was being dramatic, she knew that but she couldn't stop the tears as she thought of how the Pevnsies reminded her of Zena. They used to watch the movie together and would always smile when the coronation ceremony appeared, vowing that one day they would be the queen of their own little place. Shelia missed Zena, that much was clear and she felt it was right to start isolating herself from everything and everyone. Just for one night.

Well, one night turned to a day, a day into a week and soon enough Shelia was pulling a Bella. During the two weeks that she has now been away from all civilisation, with the exception of the local grocery shops, her brain decided to be depressed. She didn't smile, didn't laugh, she didn't even cry. She was back to being numb. All because she watched Narnia. The Cullens all tried to contact her, the mage would pick up the phone and say she was fine, before quickly ending the conversation. Soon, she stopped picking up the phone and that worried the vampire family. Rosalie more than anyone. She was the one that brought the girl into the family and now she was rethinking her decision. Maybe Shelia was scared of them, maybe she didn't want to associate with them anymore, which wouldn't surprise Rosalie at all. However, Rosalie knew that that was not the reason why the girl seemed to fall off the face of the earth. It was something more personal. That was enough for Rosalie to give the girl some space. But two weeks later and her patience has worn out.

Rosalie Pov:

''Alright, I've had enough'' exclaimed the blonde beauty as she walked into the living room, where all her family was, unfortunately including Bella as well.

''It's been two weeks, this is not healthy. I tried giving her space, but right now I am really worried for her. Keeping yourself away from human contact for long periods of time messes up with your head'' she gave a brief look to Bella as she said this. Emmett hugged her and kissed her forehead as he tried to calm his wife down. Jasper spoke up with a thoughtful expression

''We could visit her, but I doubt she will listen to us. There is another solution''

However, before he could finish his thought, Edward firmly interrupted him

''Absolutely not. That's asking for death''

''We are dead'' Jasper continued as he finished his thought ''We could ask one of the shifters to check on her. Jared? I think his name was. If anyone can get through to her, it's him''

''You're asking us to let a dog onto our lands? As if we don't have enough problems already'' Edward retaliated back. Alice glared at him as she turned to her husband

''This could work, with a connection like that, a dog might just be the thing she needs''

Jasper looked to Carlisle, waiting for his opinion.

''I'll make the call'' Carlisle started before also getting interrupted by Edward

''You can't be serious''

Carlisle looked a him with a serious expression

''Edward? I am deadly serious''

That was the end of that conversation. Carlisle made the call to Sam and after a brief moment of persuasion, the two leaders came to an agreement. Sam would talk to Jared and ask him to check up on Shelia and the Cullens would keep away from Shelia's house while the shifter would be on their land. Now, the difficult task was getting Jared to go and speak to the girl.

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