Day 3

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TW - Depressive thoughts -( Stan's pov )

As I opened my eyes I saw blood everywhere. There was body's everywhere.
Several severed limbs were everywhere.
But a hand stuck out to me.

A boy with black hair and red threaded metal armor was walking by and tripped on the hand.
I looked to my right and saw a black haired man.
But he was missing a hand..?

I tripped on my dads hand...

( Kyles pov )

I woke up to see Stan still sleeping. He looked worried.
His breathing stopped for a moment. Then began to increase.
He was hyperventilating and tears fell down his sleeping face.
I pulled him closer to my chest and sat up and straightened my legs, holding him in my lap.

He jolted awake and clung to me, I just held him tighter.
" He- his- hand..." Stan sobbed out.
" What about who's hand..?" I softly spoke.
" Randy's.... I tripped- on- on it yes-terday!!" He kept sobbing into my chest.
I kissed his hair in an attempt to calm him down, my mother always did that to me when I needed calming down. A knock on the door caused me to look up, my mothers head popped in the room and was wanting me to come out.
I couldn't just leave Stan like this, not by himself...
" one moment " I mouthed to my mother. She nodded and shut the door.

" Stan... your ok. Your father is in a better place, he's happy. You should be too." He just looked up at me as his breathes were returning to normal.
" But how do you... be happy when there nothing that makes you happy..?"
I pulled him into a deep embrace. Hearing him say that shook me. Cause sure, we've all felt that way before for a day or two, but to hear it out loud. It's difficult to hear it from someone you care about.

It may have been less than a week, but love at first sight is a thing..? Right?
My mothers head popped in again and she smiled at me and Stan's embrace. Well, it was more me hugging Stan while he sat limply.
" morning ma..." I smiled at her, Stan turned his head, his cheeks were tear stained and his eyes were red.
" Morning darling, morning Stanley... come down for breakfast, you have the week off Stan, what ever more time you need, we'll give. Ike's not doing to well, please check on him..?"
I nodded and Stan sat up.

" Sorry..." he looked over to me and my mother.
" Why?" My mother shut the door and left as I spoke.
" Cause... you shouldn't have to deal with this," he gestured towards himself, " I'm you guard, I should be helping you through hard times, not the opposite way around." He started to climb out of my bed, I grabbed him and pulled him into a hug.
" Your my guard, I'm going to help you though hard times, like you would do for me." I sat up and we both got changed.

I went to Ike's room, Firkle, and Karen, two little friends Ike had made were sitting with him and chatting. They were eating breakfast and look genuinely happy.

I turned around to see Stan in his uniform.
" Dude... go change, I'll get something. You have the week off. We're something somewhat comfortable."
I led him back to my room and handed him a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt.

He came out and I re-wrapped his arm, then we headed down stairs.
As we sat at the table, my father came down to join us.
" Good morning, how was your sleep last night son?"
" it was good!" It was probably the best sleep I've had in months, but I didn't wanna add that on.
" How about you Stanley? How was your rest?"
" it was great sir." Stan looked at the food in-front of him. I knew he was lying but I didn't want to upset him more, or have my parents worry.
" That's great to hear boys. Kyle, I have set up a date for you and Rebecca. Today at 2pm get ready, Stanley. Please help him?"
Stan looked up and smiled at my dad while nodding.
" He doesn't have much style." My dad said while pointing to my clothes.
" Dad!" He just chucked and Stan stood up.
I had finished eating by then cause I was starving but Stan didn't touch his food.
" Aren't you going to eat? I can wait. Sure my dad would love to talk about how stylish he is." I looked at my dad and he just laughed at me.
" I'm fine, let's get you ready. Thank you for the food though." Stan put his hand out towards me and I took it.

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