Chapter 1

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It's been 5 years ever since the incident with Kingpin and the collider back in 2018. Yeah, I was there. Who am I you may ask, well my name is D Creed, and along with my gang, the Black Widows, we're the one and only hybrids in one universe. How you may ask, well let me explain what exactly happened 5 years ago.

5 years ago

I had just recently turned 25 and applied at Vision's as a teacher, because something told me to. And I was glad I did, I met a kid named Miles Morales who was having some problems. The crazy thing is, I knew Peter Parker, aka Spiderman and the love of his life, MJ. He told me about how he got bit by a radioactive spider, and he told me the symptoms.

I noticed Miles having the same symptoms Peter described to me, that's when I knew I had to keep an eye on him. And I'm glad I did. When night fell, I followed Miles closely, but not enough so he'd noticed me. I followed him from the subway to a very restricted area.

I saw the radioactive spider that bit him, but the craziest thing is, it started glitching. I've never seen a spider glitch out. I was extremely curious that I accidentally knocked into Miles.

"Ah! Wait, M-Ms. Creed?! What are you doing here?!" Miles asked me.

"I know this looks bad, but I can tell you're going through some problems, you were bit by a radioactive spider. Now before you ask me, can there be two Spidermans, I don't know. What I do know is, I can help yo-." I stopped mid-sentence as my ears perked up. As a hybrid dragon wolf, I can hear things not many people can hear, and that includes Spiderman himself.

I looked behind Miles and saw a huge piece of metal. Heading straight towards the two of us. "Kid duck!" I yelled as I ducked down.

"Wha-what why?"

"DUCK!" I said as pulled him down so he wouldn't get hurt by the oncoming metal. The wall behind him crumbled revealing Green Goblin and Spider-Man. Oh man, this is one of those situations where it's the wrong place wrong time kind of thing.

What I do know is, I had to make sure this kid was safe no matter what. During the whole fight with Green Goblin and Spider-Man, Miles started falling from a beam. I had to act fast. I revealed my dragon wings and started flying very fast towards him.

Peter saw what happened and swung over to us and explained what he would do to help Miles. But then, he was killed by Kingpin. And we were on the run from Prowler.

That very same day, at the graveyard in front of Peter Parker's grave, we met another Spider-Man, Peter B. Parker. He told us how he got here, but he only had one thing on his mind, and that was going home. We had to help him, but he didn't want it, until Miles made him feel guilty, which actually worked.

The next day, we were on our way to Alchemex, where we had to get information from to stop the collider, and to also fix what Peter B. called a goober since Miles broke it. Until we were caught by Dr. Olivia Octavis, or Doc Ock. Then we were really on the run, that was until we met Gwen Stacy, aka Spiderwoman. She practically saved us.

From there, we went to Aunt May's and that's when we met three other spider people, Spider Noir, who's name is Peter Benjamin Parker, a mech spider bot, with a kid named Peni Parker, and Spider Pig, who's called Peter Porker. Peter was telling them about Miles and how he can turn invisible and do an electric shock, but not on command.

But they were kinda hard on him along with me, although I managed to impress them, but apparently Miles didn't. He left the basement but I followed him all the way to his uncle's apartment. But then something happened, turns out his uncle was the villain Prowler, who chased us.

We ran back to Aunt May's not knowing we were being followed until it was too late. We were attacked by Doc Ock, Prowler, a Spanish scorpion villain and a guy that looked like he was Frankenstein, but without the bolts and stitches.

Miles ran from his uncle until his uncle pulled Miles's mask off. When he found out, his uncle couldn't kill him, until Kingpin shot him and tried to shoot Miles, until Peter stopped him.

I got Miles out of there and back to his dorm room. Once there, I had to tell him that he needs to learn to take a leap of faith if he really wants to help. The others heard every word I told Miles since they were outside the window.

I was only doing this to keep him safe since he was still young and a kid. When I saw him give up, I knew what I had to do. I flew out of the window with the others to Fisk Tower to stop the collider.

But we were in deep trouble, until Miles came and helped out. He helped us take care of the villains and reversed the collider, allowing the others to return back to their dimensions. Once they were gone, we fought Kingpin and stopped the collider.


Anyways, now you know what happened 5 years ago. I gotta say, ever since that day, when Miles became the new spider man, I've been helping him out with villains, but for a kid, he's gotten stronger and better. I'm now 30, and yes I'm still in a gang, in fact, my gang and Miles is all I have.

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