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Unexpected, sudden, and scary

It sits in the back of your very being and waits

It's like a cornered wolf observant and viscous

It waits patiently for the perfect opportunity

It could be at school, at home, at work, it could be anywhere

It's over nothing, or maybe everything

It doesn't care what your doing

You could be drawing or even laughing

It doesn't care it's selfish and mean

You feel as though a snake is constricting slowly aggressively around your lungs slowly making it it harder and harder to breathe

It closes your brain off to anything but what it thinks is the problem

It eats at you until the "problem" is gone

It feeds off your fear your self destruction which it has caused

It eats away at your joy, your happiness, your love

It makes it easier to break under pressure and crack under the mallet which is life

Your every fear, real or imagined, is intensified and multiplied making you paranoid and nervous about new things

It gives you a mental barrier to anything out of the ordinary

Loving and caring becomes difficult and unrealistic

Tears, tears, and more tears they fall without a reason but it thinks that there's one

It convinces you to put up barrier on barrier until there are skyscrapers that are filled with obstacles for those who want to get close to over come

Love, joy, trust, LIFE are crippled

It overcomes and engulfs you drowning you in hatred and fear

Some drown in pills

Some fight and to stay afloat but barely graze the surface enough to survive

And some are able to keep there face above the water there face rarely going under

You don't choose anxiety it chooses you but the answer is never suicide you can fight and you can win it may not seem like it now but don't worry you can make it you can survive and you came LIVE


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2015 ⏰

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