2: What I Need is BLOOD!

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As Draxum and Kitsune left the cell, they went to the healing quarters. The Kitsune explained everything as they ventured in the dark halls.

"You'll be the great Lou Jitsu's primary aid, the mistress has prepared you a room full of equipment that is up to your standards as well. She expects you to make him invincible and incredibly long lived.

You have full permission to try whatever experiment you like, as long as the champion doesn't have irreparable damage afterwards, understood?" She turns to look at Draxum, who just nodded. He was plotting in the meantime.

He needs to find a way to get out of this situation, there has to be a loophole somehow! They left the healing area as they climbed the stairs. To the main area that shifts into a bubbly and busy hotel. It was so different that it shocked the caprid yokai.

"Is this... truly the same place?" Draxum asked the girl, who just shrugged. "I don't know for sure, but you're going to need this before you enter the main building to get to Big Mama's office. The Kitsune then proceeds to give Draxum a beautiful emerald amulet.

He recognized what it was almost immediately. "A cloaking amulet?! You're not a servant are you?" These kinds of amulets require a lot of mystic power and are difficult to locate and even buy.

For a silly little guard to have one is suspicious indeed.

Kitsune freezes up and looks at him slyly. "Maaayyybe. Just a girl that needs to get out of a deal ya know?" Well, Draxum could at least sympathize with her about that.
"Hm, you have a friend in me in that respect, little fox."

The Kitsune giggles, "I believe that just about everyone in here is in a deal of some kind- or worse, a mystic bond." They both shudder at that thought. Mystic bonds were powerful, and old.

Ever break one and it'll cost you your life or a specific limb. Draxum hopes that he'll never have to encounter one. "Let's get going, I don't want to keep her waiting." Draxum puts on the amulet, turning him into a human, not that it'll do much thanks to his dress and mask.

But it did change his gait and hands, which turned into a soft oak color. After they passed the human part of the hotel, Baron Draxum left Kitsune when he walked up to the door. As they take off their amulets in silence Kitsune gives him a thumbs up as she sends him off.

Draxum inclined his head in gratitude to her, hoping that The Mother grants the girl safe travels. He looked back at the door, it was a dark mahogany teakwood, with garish decorations, Draxum could feel the foreboding from the door as well. It was heavy and tense, yet at the same time inviting.

A dangerous mix.

With a shake of his head, Draxum opens the door. The room was awash in a warm but strangely eerie lighting. The moment the door closes behind him, Draxum hears high pitched giggles coming from the big chair in front of him. Complete with an ornate desk as well. He walked up to it.

"Oh my!! You're alive- live- live! Which is just diddley doo fantabulous!" a female voice excitedly titters. Big Mama swivels the chair to Draxum who freezes like a deer in headlights. "Let me look at you.. hmm, Regali?" She gestures to the mask, Draxum hesitantly nods, wringing his hands.

"Well, I didn't expect my snuggle muffin beefcake to let you live! Even when you wrapped him up in your thinny winny vines. Which is certainly a gilly gall surprise, however..." Big Mama laces her fingers together, resting her elbows on the desk. Her violet eyes seemed to pierce his very soul.

Draxum breaks eye contact, his skin already crawling. "I want to make... A deal with you Regali, if you attend to my snuggle wuffin, I won't spill what you've done behind the councils back." Draxum's breath hitched, his tail swished in betwixt his legs in fear.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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