Dear Aidan

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PROLOGUE - "The One Person"


Dear Aidan.

What did you do to me? I thought that you would never let me go. I thought that you were... the one. The one person that listened to me rant on about everything. The one person that understood me. The one person that made me feel complete. Tell me Aidan. Why did you decide to slice my heart in two, like it was merely a piece of butchers meat? Why did you have to cheat on me? I thought you loved me like I loved you. I thought you were the only nice guy I would ever meet. I guess you had to prove me wrong. Do you know how much pain I was in when I saw you. Do you even remember how we first fell in love? I hope you do. I also hope you know that by my writing this letter, our relation ship has reached its inevitable end. I hope I have got my point across.

I'm not going to do the whole "It's not's me" Cliche. Because, truth be told, it was you. You broke me, Aidan. It was you that destroyed everything. Remember how we used to laugh at the littlest things as we sat on the park bench, just watching the world go by? Well now you have made those nothing but distant memories... Do you take her to that bench too? Do you laugh at the littlest things with her? I'm disgusted with you.

People say that, when you break up with someone, the only things you remember are your good parts to the relationship. And that when you are together you only see the bad. Well i'm  not doing that with you. And I never will. In fact i'm doing quite the opposite. I guess it wasn't meant to last anyway. You were almost too good for me. I say "almost"...because.  Well...You know what you done wrong.

Just answer me this question: Why her? Why did you have to go and break my heart with her? The girl notorious for her relationships and with the negative reputation. Was I not good enough for you? Was I not experienced enough? Did you want someone who knew what they were doing when you went upstairs? Or did you just want to make me feel this way, to make me write this, to make me break with you so that you don't have to? I am more sussed than you think. I want to you to know that i'm, furious at you. For everything you said while we were together. For giving me everything that you could give, then pulling it from my hands like a forbidden christmas present. I want you to know that no amount of apologies could ever make me forgive you. Don't think that I will forget if you continue to act like the prince that I used to call "My boyfriend"

I think it's best if we say good bye. Seeing you again would only cause me more pain. I don't want my heart to be broken into a million more pieces. And I don't want more pain than you have already bestowed upon me, like a curse from the ancient ages. And I know that this disease we call "heartbreak" won't go away if I continue to see you in my life every day. You with your big brown eyes that resembled that of a small baby cow. You with that attitude that could make me, and every other girl, melt. Why did I fall for that? Please understand that this is for the best of my well-being and maybe yours too.

I wish you all the best. However much it kills me, to know that my future won't be with you.

I loved you.

Haley x

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