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When I was younger, you were hardly there so I didn't intend to try and seek you out

As I grew older I became aware of your financial support so I assumed you at least cared just enough even if it was from afar

Later in life I get the shock of my life you've gone away and all i have is resentmnent twoards you for you were never never physically here

Why do u care anyway? I don't really know. I'll never get to hear your sode of things for al ill ever know is the rumors of those who once knew you.

It's your fault for not reaching out and it's my fault for trusting all of what what told to me- yet for all I know it was all true so maybe it was best that I stayed away.

Still I would've liked to hear it all from you. To let me decide for myself if I wished to have an actual connection with you.

In the end I guess we ghosted each other and whos to know what could've been...

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