Chapter 1 A parent serious talk

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"hello,Gromble" said Kearny with a snarl.

the Gromble never expected a old student that attends this academy

"What? You again! I thought I had scared you off for good. What brings you back here to bother me?" The Gromble's eyes glared with contempt, his nostrils flaring as he spoke in a menacing tone.

He was clearly displeased by Kearny's presence and wanted the nuisance out of his sight as soon as possible.

Kearny looks at him and answers madly

"Don't get too cocky, Gromble. I'm here to make sure that all the generations of my family will be taken care of in this academy. I won't let anyone or anything take them away from me and you know it!" His voice was loud and confident, with a hint of determination as he stood his ground against the powerful figure before him. He had come prepared for a fight if necessary and would not back down easily.

Urbab could hear his father voice outside the closed door.

"Hmph! You think you can stand up against me? This academy is my domain and I will not let anyone, especially someone like you, take it away from me. So either get out of here now or face the consequences!" The Gromble glared at Kearny with an intensity that could melt steel, his wings flaring in rage as he stepped closer to the boy.

kearny laughs like a hyena monster

and tell him how wrong was

"Wrong?! You think I'm wrong? Ha! You may have been the one to build this academy, don' t make me laugh but don't forget who true controls it . My family will face everything and no amount of intimidation can stop us." He smiled mischievously as he stepped closer to the Gromble, his eyes full of confidence. "You may be powerful, Gromble, but remember that I am not alone. I have a family behind me and they are all ready to fight with me if need be!"

The Gromble was taken back at Kearny's words

"Is that a challenge, boy? Because if it is, I will gladly accept. You may have your family behind you but you are not prepared for what I can do! If you want to fight me then bring it on!" The Gromble was practically frothing at the mouth with rage, ready to battle Kearny and prove his superiority in any way possible.

Urbab: What did you just say about a fight with my father?

looks at his father Kearny.

"Your father? Is that who you are, boy? Then he should have taught you better than to challenge me in such a way! If he wants a fight, then let him come himself and face the consequences!" the Gromble glared at Urbab menacingly, not wanting any interference in his battle with Kearny. His wings flared out again as he stood ready for anything.

kearny was showing his fangs to the Gromble

"No need for that, Gromble. I'm more than willing to face you alone and prove my worth. I have trained hard over the years to become as strong as I am now and this is my chance to show it." He stepped forward with a confident smile, ready to take on the powerful figure before him no matter what may come his way. No matter what the outcome of this battle may be, Kearny knew he was ready for anything that came his way.

Romy was mad at the Gromble.

"Very well then. Let's see if you have what it takes to stand up against me." The Gromble cracked his knuckles and laughed, a maniacal gleam in his eyes as he prepared for the fight of his life. He was determined to prove that no one could defeat him, no matter how hard they may try.

Romy could hear the Gromble trying to hurt her Husband Kearny off.

"Hold it right there, Gromble! Don't you dare try to hurt my husband!" She stepped in between the two figures with a fire burning in her eyes. Her body was tense and ready for battle, and she would not allow anyone to harm her beloved Kearny no matter what happened. She knew that she had to protect him at all costs or else they would both be doomed.

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