My Dream Came Ture!!! (Toby Turner FanFic 3rd one)

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Hey guys!!! I don't know what to call you guys yet. Tell me in the comments below if you have any ideas. Anyways yes this is the third tobuscus story (Why do i keep spelling story storie?) Anyways this one is a little different. In this one it's my birthday and i'm at school. I am  twelve in this story. I will stop spoiling it for you. Here's the story enjoy!!!:

I was staring into those hazel eyes with speaks of green and blue everywhere. The picture I was staring at was one of my favorite pictures of Toby Turner a.k.a Tobuscus. I had it framed and took it down just to stare at before I was off to school or learning jail I like to call it. I know what you're thinking school can be fun and all but it feels like I'm in jail sometime. 

(In Class)

Right now I'm in homeroom class, the subject is writing. I'm usually very creative but today I wasn't feeling it. Everyday when we came back recess we have to write a journal with a topic my teacher gives us. I usually write a whole page and sometimes I would go onto the back but today I had nothing. I only had one sentence that didn't even make any since. We had only a minute left and I still couldn't think of anything. Ugh!! I don't know how I'm going to pull this off when I was called to leave early for the rest of the day. I was confused and didn't know what was going on.

Why was I leaving early for the day?

Did I do something wrong?

Did someone die and I had to leave?

Did something happen to mom or dad?

What was going on?

All these questions ran through my head while I was packing up. I didn't realize that I was walking out of the classroom until Mr. Shneeble asked,  "Where are you going."

"I don't know," I said still thinking of the possibilities.

Hey!!! What's up again?!? So yeah not that long or maybe way too short but anyways whatcha think. Post a comment. Shoulf I make another series out of this tell me. Comment, Review, and Follow!!! BYE!!!! 

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