Yes....If you were wondering I am in LOVE with Toby Turner a.k.a TOBUSCUS

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Hey guys!!! What's up! Another short story that I've wrote but don't worry. Not all of them are fanfictions of Toby Turner but most of them are. (I know call me crazy) I think there's only one that's not a fanfiction. BUT!!! I will do a series that's not a fanfiction. I promise and I never EVER!! break out of a promise. Yeah I'm going to stop writing this stuff and start on the storie so here it goes (TOBY TURNER) okay I'm done wait hold on....TOBUSCUS....okay I'm done now here's the story (oops I've spelled story storie oops lol now on to the story(correct spelling ;):

I wish I could meet Toby Turner I though to myself while watching one of his LazyVlogs. If only I could just sit down and get into a deep conversation with him. I countied thinking not really paying attendtion to the viedo but if you weren't in my head it would look like I was very interested. I got my book published a few months ago...I sent him a copy but I guess it got lost into the mail. Just like my pink compostion notebook I sent Toby about TWO years ago!! I heard the word book and I turned my hearig to the video. If you didn't know I have selcetive hearing which means I can hear what I want to but I really don't know how to use it compeltely though.

I saw that he was holding my book and said, "Olivia Love I need to meet you because I never had anyone write a book with me as one of the main charaters accually I never had anyone write a book with me as a charater at all!!! I'm over filled with joy if you can't tell from my voice being louder than usuall!! If this is you watching this can you please contact me and send me your address with profe that this is you who wrote it because I know alot of people will want and try to meet me so show some profe gruuuul!! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!! Alright people are staring at me but I don't care but that's a sign I should end off this LazyVlog well not really lazy because I've been walking around LA for what four or five minutes. Anyways the winner of yesterdays t-shirt is animated at the bottom of the viedo if you want to enter to win a t-shirt post a comment about books.....girls......Olivia White. If you sneezed during this video bless you outro of DRAKNESS then REDNESS then WHITENESS the BOOP!"

and with that he ended the video. I was shocked not by how much he had ramble during this video witch was alot but that he wanted to meet me in person.

I ran to my mom and dad's room and asked super excited "Can I give Toby Turner our address because he want to meet me in person!!!"

"Sure honey," my mother said in a light tone.

"Thank you so much!!" I screamed jumping up and down.

I quickly ran to the computer and typed my address followed by a picture of my rough draft well more like a viedo...Anyways I pressed send and there it went to Toby Turner's inbox. After a day I started having doughts about him coming over. He hadn't posted a Vlog about the great news or anything. No I wasn't having doughts I was just being impaint about it. Toby probably got alot of respones from that video and was most likely going to take a few more days until he found my message when I heard a knock on the door. I quickly got up from the computer which I was typing a new storie on wattpad. I looked through the window and saw THE Toby Turner standing there. I almost screamed my head off but I did it meantally so he won't think I was crazy.

I opend the door to be asked, "Is this the resadence of Olivia White?"

"Yes it is come on in," I said. OH MY GOD! I was still in my sleep ware and didn't even notice. I had to go change before I could speak to him, "I have to go change real quick be right back," and with that I ran towards my bedroom to get changed. My room was a total mess but I didn't bother cleaning up I had to change. I chose something nice, a stripped t-shirt that fell off my shoulders with a matching tank underneth, a pair of jean caprees, a put on the convers, and put my hair in a high ponytail.

I qucikly ran back to Toby and said, "Take a set make your self at home."

"Thank you," he was such a gentalmen if only I could...Zoe stop thinking about that stuff your only twelve years old.

"Um....," Toby said obusily unconfronterab, "so where are you parnets."

"Oh they are currently out right now but they'll probably be back in an hour or two why?" I don't know what's with me asking why about evey little thing. Sometimes I think about telling someone a defanition about a word and they ask what that word means until I can't think any further. Zoe get on track Toby just said something, "Hmm?" I asked pulling back into reality.

"I said because they might find it weird having a male adult in their daughters home," Toby repeated himself annyoined.

"Oh no they said don't answer the door unless you know them and I know you. Plus they know I like you," I responed.

"Oh how old are you may I ask?"

"Twelve. How come? see there it is again asking why about everything.

"And your name?"

"Olivia White. Why?"

"Because I was making sure that you weren...wait. WHAT!" Toby exlaimed.

"What's wrong?" I asked consered.

"You're the author of the book?

"Yes I am."

"And you're only twelve?"

"Yes I dont see what's wrong with that," I said kind of pissed off.

"No nothing is wrong with that. It's just...I thought you were going to be older."

"What were you excepting my mom to write it," I said scartasticly.

"Yeah, I still don't beliee you."

"Okay if you don't believe me then I can show you my birth catifacit," Oh crap! Did I accually say that sugre honney iced tea. I wish I didn't say that because my real name wasn't Olivia White it was Zoe Anderson competely different. Well my middle name is Olivia so he may believe me then.

"No that would be fine. I was just hopeing it was someone around my age," he replied.

Thank god he said no and did he just say he wished it was someone his age.

"Why would you think that?" I questioned him to see if he would tell the truth, well at least what I thought was true but maybe not.

"Well," Toby thought, "because alot of people who write books are adults and not twelve year olds."

"Also because you wanted to date the author of the book," I insite.

I knew I hit it because Toby's face got bright red as if his blood was all going to his cheeks and protested, "What?!? No. I just hoped it was someone my age."

"Please don't lie to me. I can tell when people are lieing so don't even try," I think I kind of creeped him out by that last sentce but I didn't care because it was ture.

Hey!! So what do you think? Should I do a sperate series of this? Maybe have another twist and what not. Also tell me how you think I can improve on this. Yes some words my be confusing but that's because I am terrible at spelling. Anyways Vote, Comment, Review, and Follow! It's like YouTube's Comment, Rate, and Subscribe. Also Twitter's Reply, Retweet, Favorite, and Follow and like Instagram's Like, Comment, and Follow. If you see all of these are very fimilar and I have all of these.




Good night or day or whatever time it is right now for you. BYE!!! (Also I was listening to the video while I was working BYE!! I don't know why I'm wisphering this inside my head) this is acutally pretty long sorry! I know it says short stories but some are long BYE!!! (for the third time AGAIN!!)

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