Chapter 5

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 My head hurt, a lot.  I tried to lift up my hand to touch it, but found that I couldn't.  I opened my eyes to see what was stopping them, but the world shifted and turned around me.  Changing in color, shape, depth all at the same time.

 "Close your eyes" a voice commanded, not unkindly.  I did as I was told and let my other senses examine the room.  The thing I was lying in was hard and there was something soft over me, likely a blanket, both my wrists and ankles are restrained with cold metal. It smelled like sweat and disinfectant, like the place had once been medical but had since been turned into a place of work.  I could hear muffled voices, separated by some sort of divider.  I could also hear the slow breathing of the girl next to me.  I wait three slow breaths then slowly open my eyes. 

 I am on a table, a thick blanket under me and a thin one over.  The room is dark, only a little light comes in from under the left curtain.  There is a solid wall to my right and likely behind me, the curtain goes all the way to the ceiling but doesn't quite reach the wall in front of me.  The girl is nothing more than a slightly darker spot against the weak light.

 As my brain adjusts to the added sense of sight I hear laughter.  The light high sound only a girl can make.

 "Oh good, with that look in your eyes I thought you were going to go crazy". She says, laughing again, clearly no longer concerned with my sanity, it she ever was.  Then again, I can't hurt her while I'm tied up like this.

 "Sorry" she says sounding much more solemn, as she leaves the faint light of the entrance.  "It's just that I've had a long day of crazy" She goes to me right and feels my arm.  I try to flinch away, but the binds bight into my arm.  This isn't right, whites never touch arms, not like this.  Everything whites do is for a purpose.  Wherever I am it is not an infirmary, and that isn't good for me.

 "How are you feeling?" she asks squeezing my arm with her cold fingers, I resist the urge to try and flinch again.

 "A little weak" I lie, I did feel a little queasy when I first opened my eyes, but that is gone now and I feel fine.  But I need her to think I'm weaker than I am.  I even pretend to get light headed as I sit up.

 "Easy" she say easing me back down.  I hear her footsteps as she walks onto my left.

 "You seem ready to get going" she say taking off my bonds and helping me to a sitting position.

 "Wait here" she says before quickly walking away.  Relieved to have her gone, I quickly get to my feet.  I see spots and my knees quake a little, but I ignore that.  They took my shoes and my socks the floor is cold and slightly sticky under my feet.  If I'm going to get out of here, this is my only chance.  I head for the opening in the curtain being careful to stay close to the curtain.

 Slowly I peek my head around the curtain, into the light.  I feel my eyes immediately dilate, outside there is a big guy in a black uniform with a shock gun, no normal gun though.  Whoever he is supposed to protect me against, he isn't out to shoot to kill. 

 Quietly I creep up behind him and hit him with my elbow on the back of the head as hard as I can.  I grab him before he hits the floor and set him down easy, then relieve him of his shock gun and shoot him twice in quick secession, glancing at it I see it is on its highest setting.  He's not going to be waking up any time soon.  I quickly look through his pockets and take his access card and his Portable.  I look at his shoes, they are massive and would never fit me.  I then check out the rest of the room.  It isn't big and only has one door.  The are other curtains set up and one off to the side.  I quickly drag the guard behind the curtain that has nothing behind it.

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