Chapter 1: Electromaster

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(Third Person POV)

A moist bloody cough cuts through the silence of the early morning, the kind of sound that could only be produced by someone getting their shit kicked in. "Did you find something interesting on the ground? or do you just like being beneath me?" Y/N spoke while continually kicking the shit out of the man on the ground.

"I'M SORRY I'M SORRY STOP!" The man cried out begging for mercy from a very pissed-off Anti-Skill enforcer.

"Good news there's no need to wonder where your god is! Because he's right here... and he's fresh out of MERCY." The last word, laced with venom was enough to make the fully grown man piss his pants.

*BANG!* The single shot pierced through the sky making contact with the man's forehead and putting an end to the monumental ass-kicking that was just delivered.

'I better restrain him for pickup' Y/N thinks to himself before pulling out handcuffs and cuffing the man to a nearby pipe ending any chance he had for escape.

*BITCH SLAP* The sound of a clean choreographed slap making contact with the man's face draws attention from all over from a slap so gorgeous it would make MoistCritikal proud and awakens the man from his brief slumber. "Wake up I'm beating the shit out of you! And I got some questions that if you answer honestly will lessen the number of bones I break in your body! seem fair? alright first of all where did you get these?" Y/N asks inquisitively pulling out a bullet that seemed reasonably standard but it was filled to the brim with an unknown substance.

The man had tears dripping from his eyes barely holding himself together with his body barely functioning struggled to reply. "It was a dead drop! I don't know who these came from but he offered good pay! Please that's the only reason I did it..."

"If you're lying I'll break the other one," Y/N says before reaching down.

"The other what- AGHHHH!" With a nice clean *SNAP* his arm snapped like a twig before he passed out from the pain.

"I don't have time to keep kicking your ass I'll let the top brass decide what to do with you." He then made his leave to continue on patrol.

With the Incident's conclusion, he gazes into the Academy City sky to view the news on any important happenings via the many blimps crowding the Airspace. 'System scan today... What a drag!' Lost in thought he makes his way to school for the first time in weeks to get his system scan over with.

[PART 2] (Y/N POV)

"You dumbass! what the hell were you thinking? torturing a suspect do you know what your recklessness could have done? you could've been arrested or expelled for this tasteless violence."

Right now I was getting an earful from Ms. Yomikawa after I maybe potentially/allegedly did something that may or may not have been police brutality.

"It was a spur-of-the-moment thing! I swear you'd beat the shit out of a dickhead responsible for the murder of 15 schoolchildren that was still laughing during his ass-kicking!" I hastily raised my arms with an impeccable defense of my actions.

"Sure I would have done that but I thought I taught you to be better! I want you to be better than me and any other Anti-Skill officer before! Can't you at least learn to not constantly beat the shit out of anyone you please?"

'Is she making a point? am I feeling a slight tinge of guilt? no that's impossible godhood removes your conscience right?'

"Hey, are you even listening? *Sigh* just do your system scan it's clear that you're not learning anything from this, this is a waste of my time just get it over with we can talk about this later." She finally conceded leaving me to my own devices.

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