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"Arghhhhhh!" I moaned as I looked around while coughing from the smoke that clouded the front seat.

I didn't know what was going on; all I knew was that I was now upside down and trying to unlock my seatbelt that appeared to be stuck. After continuously trying to get it unfastened, I felt myself panicking. Blood dripped into my eyes, and I put my hand on my forehead, only to feel a big gash across it. My eyes widened at the sight of blood, and my anxiety increased. I had been hit, but by who? The only thing I remembered was sitting at the stop sign, and now I was upside down in my car.

The smoke blurred my vision as the smoke made it hard to see or breathe. It was strong, and the more I inhaled, the more I felt like I was about to pass out.

After a few minutes, I saw feet moving toward my car.

"Who is that? Hello? Can you help me get out of here?" I asked as the footsteps got closer.

A female kneeled down, and my heart felt like it stopped once I saw the shiny 9-millimeter pointed at me.

"Who are you? Why are you doing this? Please don't sh-"


The sound of the gunfire rang in my ears, and I immediately felt a sting in my shoulder.

It felt like I was in a tunnel, and everything echoed. I panicked because I don't know exactly where I had been shot, but I knew I was hit.

"Oh, fuck!" I whispered as I tried to gather my thoughts. I couldn't move to see if I was bleeding or anything. All I felt was pain and numbness in my legs.

Fearing that she would come back and finish me off, I didn't make a sound until I knew for sure that I was in the safe zone. Slowly, I opened my eyes and peeked at the shiny silver heels that ran away from my car. As soon as I heard the tires screech, I tried to get out of the car, but I still couldn't move, and the pain in my shoulder was getting worse. I had to get out of that car before I ended up dead. The smoke had me choking like hell and feeling like I was about to sit in that car and fry.

I tried everything, but not only could I not move my legs, but I couldn't feel them at all. How the fuck was I supposed to get out of there if I couldn't feel my legs? Tears rolled down my face as the smell of gas leaking from my car became stronger, and I frantically tried to free myself. This bitch could blow up at any second, and I would be cooked. The last thing I wanted was to be roasted like a fat ass turkey while hanging upside down in my car. This was not how I was supposed to go out. My mind raced, thinking of ways to escape.

"Lord, whatever you doing, I know damn well this ain't in my book! I'm gon' need for you to flip past this page, tear it out, or something. Shaaatt! What do you want me to do? What are trying to tell me because I promise, I'll listen. Just don't take me home like this," I cried and prayed.

Someone had to hear the gunshot or at least have heard the car crash. No one had come out of their house to help my ass, and no cars had stopped either. I ain't have no business going in the white folk's neighborhood, anyway. This was what my black ass got. They ain't about to help me do shit and were gonna probably call 911 from inside their homes with the doors locked as they peeked out of their thick ass blinds.

I started to scream at the top of my lungs because time was ticking, and at any minute, my ass could be ashes. Someone was gon' hear me tonight, even if I had to wake all their plain flour skin asses up!

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