Chapitre Six

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Theo was up bright an early for the next day of adventures. It was Toby's last day at the Simons household, so the gang wanted to end off this little get together with a bang. Well, the bang being going to the arcade and getting some Nandos. Theo picked out some old Ted Nivison merch that he had gotten for free, a perk of being siblings with a famous guy. Paired the shirt with some blue bellbottoms and doc martins. Theo personally was a huge fan of Ted and that group of friends despite what twitter would think, how could he not, they were just such silly guys.

As Theo went downstairs, he was greeted by his mum, " Oo what's got you all dressed up?" Theo chuckles " Nothing too interesting, we just all going to hang out at the arcade today. Tom up yet, I think we are going out to breakfast, and we know he doesn't want to look bad around Eden." " I think I heard him get in the shower, any deets on him and Eden you want to share love?" Mrs. Simons looks at her son eyebrows popping up. Theo has never shied away from gossiping about his brother with his mum but only if was a harmless thing and if Tom said that they could of course, can't break the twin code. " Sadly, no mum I don't have any drama for you today. If there is any i'll let you know of course!" Theo says brightly as he gets a text from Finn asking them if the twins were heading out soon.

Theo shouts at Tom " BITCH ARE YOU ALMOST READY WE GOTTA GO!!" " YEAH YEAH IM COMING IM COMING" Tom shouts as he comes barreling down the stairs Betty and Walter following in suit. Tom was wearing his typical out of his red and white shirt and blue jeans. " Alrighty, bye Mum see you later!" Theo says hugging his mum goodbye and him and Tom actually run out the door.

" I swear you always make us late to things." Theo rolls his eyes, and they start the walk into town to go to all of their favorite cafe. It was mostly their favorite cafe because a lot of their other friends like Mark, Quinn and Tanner worked. Mark had been one of Theos closest friends since Year 5 and Tanner was just an extension of Mark, there was not Mark without Tanner. Quinn was someone they met at their old job but once they got older, they started working at the cafe plus it was a much nicer environment. The only person they really still knew that worked at their old job was Patrick but that's because he just gives zero fucks about anything. " Hush we aren't going to be late, hope Tanner servers us just cause-" Theo cuts Tom off before he could finish his sentence; " Because you think Tanner is so hot and sexy." Theo cackles. " Shut up you absolute idiot." Tom rolls his eyes as they quickly approach the cafe.

Upon arrival, Finn drags them to the table as they were 15 minutes late. " What took you guys so long we don't have all day! Toby's train leaves at 4:30 and its already Nine!" Finn says exasperatedly sitting back down next to Toby. " Sorry, Tom took forever in the shower because of you know who." Theo laughs patting Finn's arm and pointing to Eden and Tommy who are already in conversation. Like clockwork Quinn comes over to take their order, after everyone orders Theo calls Quinn over just to say Hi and catch up before their boss notices. " Hey! It's been literally forever; we need to hang out more and with the gang you know. Also, nice Big Guy hat." Theo says getting up to quickly give Quinn a hug. Theo had actually been the one to get Quinn into Schlatts content, so it was just kind of a joke at this point. " Thanks! I know right we gotta get together with Finn, Eden, River and Max! Now those were the times. I'd love to talk more but I gotta go before I get in trouble." Quinn says as they rush off to the back.

The group enjoys their breakfast just having light conversation and cracking jokes with one another. They took some silly photos for Instagram later to document their adventures. Theo was most likely going to stream anyways he needed to bang out that art project for Monday. Just as quickly they sat down, they were getting up again and heading off to the arcade as it was midday already. Theo was definitely third wheeling both couples, but he didn't mind too much, he got caught up in his own games anyways. The group an hour before Toby's departure they went to Nando's for some food because they were feeling fancy for being pretty broke teenagers. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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