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Beep, Beep, Beep. I was awakened by the sound of the machines and the sunlight that beamed down on my face through the hospital window.

"Arghhhhh," I moaned from the pain in my shoulder.

I looked around the room and noticed I was in the hospital all alone. There was no one by my side. No other voice but the characters on Grey's Anatomy, which played on the TV.

I held up my arm and inspected it. It was wrapped in white gauze all the way down to my fingers. My shoulder felt as if it would fall off the minute I moved it, and there was a white patch right on top of it. That had to be where the bullet hit me. My whole body was covered in pain, and I noticed something really strange with my legs. I held up my right leg, but I couldn't do the same with my left one.

"Ouchhhh!" I screamed at the pain that shot through me like lightning once I moved that left side.

I didn't even see my foot rise on the left. Something was damn sure weird about that, so I pulled the covers back to see what was up.

"What the fuck?" I yelled as tears raced down my face.

"Where is my other leg? What happened to my fucking leg?" I yelled.

I couldn't believe what I saw. How in the hell did these people end up cutting off my leg? I needed answers, so I started screaming for a nurse.

I needed my leg! There was no way I could live the rest of my life without my leg. How the fuck was I supposed to dance and make money? How in the hell was I supposed to trick if I needed to make a few dollars? Nobody wanted to fuck a one-legged bitch, and I damn sure couldn't picture myself throwing it back on anyone's dick with one leg, either. I knew that was the last thing I needed to be thinking about, but when you are a dancer and a paid hoe, that's the first thought.

"I came in here as soon as I saw the call light and I heard you screaming. Everything okay? Are you in pain?" the nurse asked.

"I just want to know what happened to my leg! Why did they cut my leg off?" I cried.

"I'll get the doctor in here to talk to you about that. In the meantime, would you like something for pain?"

"Get the fuck out of my room and go get the doctor!" I screamed.

I didn't care how rude I was because I needed fucking answers. I was happy to be alive, but I needed someone to explain to me why the hell I woke up with one leg.

The nurse turned around and walked out without saying a word. She was so polite and ignored me cursing her ass out, which made me feel bad. I knew she ain't have shit to do with me lying in there with one leg, but I couldn't help it. Waking up like this had me livid. I damn sure regretted turning down that pain medicine as bad as my damn legs were hurting, but my pride told me to curse her out and ask for pain medicine later.

I heard a knock at the door, and a few seconds later, the nurse brought in the doctor to have a few words with me.

"Hello, Mrs. Jenkins." The doctor spoke and introduced himself to me.

"I just want to know what's going on with me. Why did you cut off my leg?" I got straight to the point.

"I'll be glad to sit down and talk to you about that. I was waiting for you to wake, so I could go over a few things with you. First things first, your leg was amputated due to poor circulation to that limb. With your leg being trapped for such a long period of time, it caused little to no blood to reach your leg. We had to remove it, or it would have caused other fatal issues. You sustained quite a few severe injuries that we were able to treat. We removed the bullet from your shoulder, which is a good thing. You suffered a broken right arm, which you'll regain full use of after therapy. There were a few third-degree burns on several parts of your body, which we were able to treat. We are going to do our best and work as a team to get you well and back home to your loved ones. Sounds fair?" he asked.

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