Chapter 1

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You were born and raised in Guadalajara. You met Alejandro there when he was out on a mission after you were involved in an incident and he saved you. You two became friends and he suggested you join the military. He said you were strong and had lots of potential, he wanted you to join his team.

A couple months later you joined the military and over the years you climbed the ranks and became one of the best soldiers. You were strong minded and stood your ground. You became a war machine out in the field. Alejandro helped you learn english over the years.

One day Alejandro was walking towards you with a big grin. You crossed your arms and smiled. "¿Por qué te ves tan feliz?"

(why do you look so happy?)

He stopped in front of you. "Tengo buenas noticias."

(I have some good news)

You shifted your wait anxiously. His news was never good. "Qué?"


He let out a soft chuckle. "Shepherd quiere hablar contigo."

(Shepherd wants to talk to you)

Your face dropped. Shepherd never calls for someone unless it's something bad. "¿Por qué estás sonriendo por ese idiota?"
(why are you smiling about that asshole?)

He held his smile and shrugged. You rolled your eyes and pushed past him to Shepherd's office. You fidgeted with your fingers behind your back. You tried to think if you did anything wrong lately. You came up to his door and stood there before taking a deep breath and knocked.

"Come in." He called out through the door. You opened the door and closed it behind you.

"Sir." You said and gave a quick nod. Your accent was thick when you spoke English.

He looked up from his papers and motioned at a chair in front of his desk. "Sit down Diaz."

You sat down in the chair. Your anxiety grew as you waited for what he was going to say.

Shepherd cleared his throat. "You've made quite an impression over the years here. I'm very proud of you."

You smiled slightly. "Thank you sir."

He smiled and handed you a folder. "There's an LT position opening in TF141 and I want you to take it."

You grabbed the folder and your heart stopped. Your eyes lit up and you smiled. "Really?!"

He nodded slowly. "Price is here to pick you up and take you back to his base. I'm sending Alejandro with you so he can help you settle in."

You couldn't even process everything but you were so excited and happy. You worked hard to get where you are and it's paying off. "Thank you so much sir! I will not let you down."

"I hope you don't. You're dismissed Diaz." He gave you a nod.

You stood up and left his office. You went to go find Alejandro but he was already waiting for you outside Shepherds office. He was leaning against the wall with a smirk.

You bounced up and down on your tippy toes. "Omg Alejandro!" You ran to him and hugged him.

He chuckled and you squeezed you tight. "I knew you would get here one day pequeños."

You stepped back still smiling. You opened the folder and looked through it. It was a list of the members and their ranks and positions. Keegan, Soap, Price, Konig, Ghost.

"Go pack your bags and meet me outside." Alejandro said and walked off.

You closed the folder and quickly walked to your quarters. You threw your clothes into your bag not caring about folding them. You grabbed some stuff and made sure you had everything before walking outside. Alejandro and Price were outside the hangar. They were standing by a car talking.

Price turned to you and smiled. "You must be Diaz, the one I've heard lots about." He extended his hand out to you.

You took his hand and shook it. "Thank you for this opportunity Captain."

Price nodded and took your bag and threw it in the car. "You ready?" He asked. You nodded and got in the back of the car. Price and Alejandro sat in the front. Price started the car and drove off base. The ride was silent until Price spoke up.

"I must warn you about the team...they can be difficult but they don't mean any harm." He chuckled a little nervously.

You nodded. You never met them before so you didn't know what to expect. After two hours you arrived at a smaller base. The three of you got out of the car and Price took your bag. "Ready to meet the team?" He asked.

You nodded and walked into the mess hall. Price called out to his team and they all lined up in front of you.

"This is Soap." He said. You looked at the man. He had an unusual haircut.

You turned to Alejandro. "¿Te gusta el jabón corporal?" You tilted your head.

(Like the body soap?)

Alejandro chuckled and nodded his head.

You smiled. "ese es un nombre raro."
(That's a weird name.)

Soap smiled and extended his hand out. "I hope you're saying good things about me." He had a strong Scottish accent.

You smiled and shook his hand. "Just trying to see which brand of soap you were."

Soap burst out laughing. "Oh man we're going to get along just fine." He said through laughs.

"This is Konig." Price said moving on to the next person. Konig was tall and had a long mask over his face. He gave you a quick nod before looking away.

"¿por qué está tan callado?" You asked Alejandro.

(why is he so quiet?)

"es un hombre nervioso. pronto se calentará." Alejandro said.

(He's a nervous man. He'll warm up soon.)

"This is Keegan." Price said moving on. Keegan's eyes were icy blue and he wore a mask.

Keegan nodded. "Bienvenida al equipo." His voice was deep.

(welcome to the team.)

You froze and blushed a little. "¿tú hablas español?" You nervously laughed. You were glad you didn't say anything stupid to Alejandro.

(You speak Spanish?)

Keegan nodded. You couldn't tell for sure but it seemed like he was slightly smiling under the mask. You made a mental note not to say anything stupid in Spanish around him.

Price cleared his throat and seemed a little nervous. "And this is Ghost." He said. You looked over and your stomach knotted. He was big and was glaring into your soul. He wore a skull mask and his eyes were emotionless. He made you a little nervous. He didn't say anything to you, just kept glaring.

You turned to Alejandro. "¿Cuál es su problema?"
(What's his problem?)

Alejandro chuckled. "Le robaste su lugar como teniente."
(you stole his spot as LT)

Your face dropped. "ah entonces me quiere matar."

(Ah so he wants to kill me.)

You heard Keegan slightly laugh behind you. "definitivamente lo hace."
(He definitely does.)

You stood there and laughed nervously. You could still feel Ghost eyes glaring into you. You didn't dare look at him. Price cleared his throat and motioned for you to follow him. He brought you to your room and set your bag on the bed. "Everyone here has their own room and bathroom so don't worry about being the only women here." He smiled.

This made you feel so much better. You had shared rooms and bathrooms at your old base. You let out a sigh of relief and sat on your bed. Price could sense your anxiety and smiled. "You'll do just great here, don't worry and don't let Ghost get to you. I won't let him do anything." With that he walked out and closed your door.

This is copy and pasted from google docs so im sorry if the formatting is weird also my bad if I accidently type in first person. I'm writing another story in first person so I automatically go to first person when writing.

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