Chapter 8

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The next evening everyone was in the armory prepping. You did the same routine with your gear and weapons. You pulled your mask over your face and took a deep breath and sighed. You stood up and faced the team. "Alright men, are you ready?" They all looked at you and nodded. Everyone's demeanor changed when you were on missions. You all put your differences and problems away and focused on the mission.

You all walked to a helicopter and got on and situated. Price waved everyone off and gave a thumbs up. You told the pilot to take off. The helicopter started up and took off. You sat on the edge of the helicopter with your legs hanging over. You held your m4 close and were in deep thought. This was your mission and if anything went wrong it would be on you.

Your thoughts were broken up by a hand on your shoulder. You looked over and Ghost sat down next to you. "Don't stress Diaz, that'll get you killed."

You just nodded slowly. Was that supposed to be a pep talk? That didn't make you feel any better. The ride to the oil rig was long and silent. It felt weird not having Price here and it was affecting everyone. You were over the ocean and couldn't see land anymore. You rode into a storm and it became dark.

The oil rig came into view and everyone got ready and held up their guns. "Alright team this is it. We'll get in and out quickly and safely." The helicopter landed on a landing pad and you all got off. All you could hear was the sounds of waves crashing and thunder. Your clothes were already soaked from the rain which made you irritated.

You gave a signal and everyone started following you as you led the way down some stairs. You heard shouting and bullets started flying towards you. You ran and ducked for cover. You looked over and saw your team behind cover and shooting back. You peaked over your cover and started firing back. Taking out one...two...three enemies. "Move in." You barked. You all moved in sync and precision. You stayed low and had your gun ready to kill.

There was a man standing guard with his back to you. You pulled out your knife and silently moved behind him. You covered his mouth and slid the blade across his throat. He brought his hands to his throat and dropped to the ground. You motioned Keegan, Konig, and Soap to go left. You and Ghost stayed right. There were sounds of gunfire everywhere.

You and Ghost made your way down below and came across the power box to the oil rig. "Going dark team." You shut off the power and turned on your night vision. Ghost nodded and continued. There were sounds of men shouting, they were confused and scared of the sudden darkness. You put your gun over your shoulder and pulled out your knife. You walked quietly and took out enemies left and right. The only source of light was the flash of gun fire of the enemies shooting frantically.

Ghost groaned and you turned around to see him holding his shoulder. "Are you hit?"

He nodded. "I'll be fine, keep moving."

You nodded and continued to look for the missile. "How's the situation up top?" You called over the radio.

"All good up here lass, no missile." Soap answered.

You walked across a missile. You turned on your flashlight and checked to see if it was yours. "I found the missile, everyone get back to the helicopter." Ghost handed you a c-4 and you stuck it to the side of the missile. "Alright let's get out of here." Ghost followed you back up.

"We have company up here. We got three helicopters heading our way. They're not friendly." Konig called over the radio.

"Copy that we're coming up." You and Ghost run back to the helicopter. You made it up and were instantly shot at by the helicopters. You and Ghost got split up. He continued towards the helicopter and you got forced back. "Take off! Take off!" You grabbed your gun and shot at the enemy helicopter. You saw a man fall out and land in the ocean. You had an opening and took off running.

Your helicopter was hovering by the side of the oil rig waiting for you. Ghost threw out the rope ladder. You ran as fast as you could while the enemies still shot at you from their helicopters. You threw your gun over your shoulder and jumped. You grabbed the ladder but the rain caused your hand to slip. You fell and your leg got caught in the ladder. You were dangling upside down over the ocean. You could hear the waves crashing under you.

"Diaz? Do you copy?" Ghost called over the radio.

You frantically grabbed your radio. "I'm here tell the pilot to get us the fuck out of here."

"Where the hell are you?" He asked.

"I'm dangling off the helicopter, now move this damn thing!" You ordered. Your voice was stern. Bullets flew past you and you struggled for your gun.

Ghost looked over the edge and saw you dangling. "Fucking hell..." He mumbled. The plane took off and you shot at the enemies upside down. You saw your team above also shooting. The three helicopters continued the chase. Your whole body jerked and you looked up to see the blades starting to smoke.

"We're gonna go down!" The pilot yelled over the radio. You continued shooting and took out a pilot. One of the helicopters went down and crashed into the ocean. You groaned and pulled yourself up, climbing back into the helicopter. Ghost grabbed your hand and dragged you in.

You stood there for a moment catching your breath. Everyone looked at you and you smiled. "We're taking a damn vacation after this." They all smiled and continued to shoot at the remaining two helicopters.

You grabbed the detonator from Ghost bag. "Are you guys ready for this shit?"

"Blow that shit up kid!" Keegan smiled under his mask and yelled back. You flipped the switch and a massive explosion came from the oil rig. It instantly went up in flames and the shockwave caused the helicopter to sway.

You smiled and everyone yelled in victory. You walked over to the pilot. "What's our situation?" "We're coming up on a private island LT...the landing won't be pretty." The helicopter took more bullets as the enemies continued shooting. The helicopter jerked again and started smoking even more. The pilot lost control and we started spinning. "We're going down, hold on!" The helicopter started spinning faster and it made you dizzy. You could see the island through blurred vision. It was approaching close and fast. The helicopter crashed into a cluster of trees and everything went black.

Kinda short chapter. But this was super fun to write:)

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