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"I bought snacks, they're in the back." Jordan said, quickly looking towards the back.

I look behind his seat and not seeing them, I feel back behind mine and feel a plastic bag. I grab it and sit in on my lap, going through it.

"Okay," I say, pleased by the good snack choices.

Twix, Snickers, Starburst, a Kit Kat, chips, a few waters, a Twinkie, a Honeybun and Mamba's flooded the bag.

"You still eat these?" I take out the Mamba's and begin opening the pack.

"I didn't knew people just stopped eating certain foods when they get older."

"People definitely do. These seem like little kid candies, I don't know." I say, popping the candy in my mouth.

"But you're eating them?"

"Because it's here. I don't go to stores and say 'mm, i'm gonna buy me some Mamba's.' I didnt know they even still made these." I say, still chewing.

"You can put them down since you wanna shit talk them. Rude ass." He takes them out my hand and tries to get one out the package whilst still driving.

"Please don't crash and kill us by trying to eat that wack ass candy." I look him stupidly, taking the joke farther.

"I got this, ok? I know how to drive, unlike some people."

"I know how to drive, I just don't like to." I correct him, snatching the candy back from him, getting one out its package and handing it to him.

"Thanks." He says, smacking.


"Please, this is the 40th Cochise song in a row," I complain, exaggerating my sentence by dragging out my words.

"Did you hear me complaining when you kept playing Soshouse on loop?"

"Yes, actually, I did."

"Well, can you blame me?"

"Yes, I can. Not too much on Pierre." I said, making him laugh a little and stare at me for a bit before going to look back at the road, "What?"

"Nothing. I missed you."

"Awe, stop," I playfully push his shoulder, "I missed ya too, bud."

- - ✥ - -

another short chapter!!!

these next couple chapters, at least, are gonna be short asf so just a heads up :)

*not proofread*

words: 372

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