𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝘅𝘃𝗶𝗶𝗶. ── got a sense i've been betrayed.

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season one, episode eight
( looks like we made it )

season one, episode eight ( looks like we made it )

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"Sorry, Eddie," Audrey stated

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"Sorry, Eddie," Audrey stated. She stood up as she grabbed her drink from Eddie's hand, "I'll be right back. I'm going to run to the bathroom,"

Eddie nodded his head as he smiled slowly as she rushed to an empty room on the bus as Katherine waited two minutes to follow after her.

Eddie leaned over to Warren as he watched Katherine leave her seat from Warren.

He peeked his head out of Audrey's seat as she entered the same room Audrey went to.

"What are they both doing in there?" Eddie asked, a raised brow making the question more serious.

Warren shrugged. He was now having a dry mouth, which made him move away from Eddie and to the window.

He was fidgeting with Katherine's camera as he bit on the skin of his lip.

Eddie picked up his own drink from the cup holder of the seat, taking a long drink before he went wide-eyed and took a long exhale.

Audrey was sitting on the bed Daisy would be sleeping on later in the night with Nicky.

Audrey looked around and tapped her foot on the wood impaled into the bus. She spotted a bag, filled with pills, cocaine, weed, and...

Score! Alcohol.

She ignored all the other things in the bag, only rushing her way to the alcohol and popping it open, and pouring it into her glass.

Katherine opened the door, peeking her head into the room to see Audrey pour almost half a bottle into her cup.

She rushed over immediately shutting the door shut as quickly as possible before grabbing it out of Audrey's hand.

Audrey groaned as she rolled her eyes. Katherine gripped the bottle tightly as she could, almost falling back as she did.

Audrey soon gave up on the fight for the bottle, letting Katherine take a full grip of the bottle. "Slow down, Addie!"

Audrey took a long drink. Her right arm went up showing a shrug as she gulped every part of the alcohol down.

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