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      Love is a journey that we take, a path we also make. It's a road that's filled with twist and turns, A journey that really burns. Love is a journey that we share, a bond that's beyond compare. It's a connection that's hard to break, a bond that's filled hard to fake. But sometimes love can be one sided, it's often misguided. It's a love that's hard to sustain, A bond that's often filled with pain. When one is deeply in love, and the other is falling out of love, its a journey that's hard too make, A love that we cannot always take. But know that love is a choice, its not just a bond you create with your voice its a decision the two must make and its often faked. So if you find yourself in this state, and love is no longer a race. Remember that love is a journey that's often blurry. But if you chose to stay in the course, and love with all your heart and force, Then know love will find a way. And that bond you made will stay.

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