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heyyyy haven't slept in 2 days and running on sparkling water and Percy Jackson. I think i might have bulimia so that's amazballs, and i have like 6 books i need to finish reading, so yeah. Had a break up and now i've fallen for another guy his birth day as yesterday so yeah. haven't talked to any of my siblings in 2 days, nah oldest 2 weeks, middle 2 days, and 2nd oldest month. 2 younger ones i cant get away from. I think were going swimming today don't know when but i'm not looking forward, my swim shit doesn't fit me, it rolls up around the wrists which isn't good i gotta were leggings while swimming to so yayyy. Also how did Nico di anglo go from a edgy emo boy to an edgy emo boy with humor riddle me that. My little gay heart cant take the guys in Percy Jackson.

Percy: smash

Jason: smash

Leo: smash

Nico: smash

Fuck it even Will: smash

thats the rape up of my late night rant

midnight and most of the time later rantsWhere stories live. Discover now