Main Story: Lethal Loveache

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This fic is dedicated to Kam (littleohs) 

Love you loads!

Here is the Main Story! It doesn't contain smut however there are some explicit scenes (i.e. jacking off by oneself) in this one so please read the tags!

Also, I know no one is gonna ask, but this fic title in particular was such a funny inspo. I was in a gym Fight class and while we were doing punches the teacher, a bestie named Brook likes to shout random stuff while we punch and then one day he said YOUR FISTS ARE LETHAL WEAPONS! YOU. ARE. A. LETHAL. WEAPON. and you never see me take notes so fast hahahaha! Actually all my fics from this year are all inspired by life things and it's so funny! Okay my boring story is done, you can ignore me now :)


"You can't be serious! The tap is broken? What do you mean there's no Guinness?" Niall's shrill voice was enough to make half the omegas in the bar turn their heads.

Louis sighed, wiping his hands with a towel. He leaned over the counter to give Niall a hearty pinch on his arm. It left a pinkened spot on the omega's pale skin. The omega howled, pouting as he shielded himself.

"The sign on the door clearly says we don't serve beer tonight since the taps are under maintenance. Despite that, you still chose to walk in."

"What're you on about, Tommo? I come here 'most every night. You should have special privileges for patrons like myself." Niall puffed out his chest irritably.

Louis didn't have the luxury to spend the night standing around, listening to his omega friend's whines and complaints.

"Come off it, order a negroni or daiquiri... I'll treat you to a pint tomorrow night, 'kay, lad?"

"Daiquiri? Sounds like some overpriced Frenchy dessert! What the hell is it?" Niall made a face as Louis laughed into his fist.

"It's this!" A deep voice chirped from the corner, half hidden in shadow and nestled next to the nook of the bar's front window.

Harry had claimed that spot the moment he had stepped into the bar and ever since, it has been reserved for the omega.

Louis looked up, eyes crinkling when he took in the adorable sight of Harry brandishing his glass of strawberry daquiri. His flamingo-colored nails shone against the bright pink liquid in the translucent cocktail glass, temporarily distracting Louis with their slenderness.

"No way! I won't feel tipsy even after five of those things..."

Louis tore his eyes away from Harry, cocking his brow at Niall. "Don't underestimate the power of rum. Drink five and if you still don't feel tipsy then I'll have a go at the pole."

Louis jerked his chin at the dance pole situated at the far end of the bar. It was a unique feature of Knotless which Liam had insisted on promoting.

He could see a cluster of omegas around the pole, giggling as they sloshed their cocktails over each other's crop tops. One of them was wrapped around the pole with her arse in the air while her friends cheered.

"Fuck yeah! It's a bet! I can't wait to see you make a fool out of your knothead self!" Niall screamed out in delight, tapping the bar top impatiently. "Now, gimme five of them pink sodas!"

After Louis had whipped up five daquiris and watched Niall attempting to down them in one go, he could sense a presence to his left as the familiar scent of nutmeg and nectarines washed over him. He could pick out the soft musky smell even amongst the heavy swirls of potent omega scents that hung over the bar.

Lethal LoveacheWhere stories live. Discover now