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After her encounter with the singer, Rebel continued to run down the track while making the most of her short freedom. Running past a field, she noticed a pack of gazelles galloping upon the horizon and paused to watch.

Rebel always admired the fact they had so much freedom, and how they nearly flew by how fast they went. She stood watching them for a few moments before somebody bumped into her. Rebel turned around to see a familiar face.

It was Jay, the oldest by two years at the orphanage and basically their leader, and he didn't look too pleased to notice she escaped again.

He sighed, dragging his hand through his silky black hair with annoyance "you have got to be kidding me Rebel, you escaped again and everybody is worried sick about you, nobody will be happy when you come back"

"and here I thought she cares about our well being and heath" Rebel remarked, earning a glare from Jay "escaping seems to be the only option that can help my well being and stay happy actually"

"consider another option because nobody at the orphanage seems to be agreeing with your current one" Jay replied with a scowl "if this happens again, Miss Jones will not hesitate to kick your sorry butt out of the orphanage"

"like I give a crap about being kicked out." Rebel muttered underneath her breath, earning another glare from him. With a sigh, Jay grabbed onto her arm and began dragging her in the direction of the orphanage

"you know what, your escaping days are over and we are going back" he snapped, Rebel rolling her chocolate brown eyes in response "being at the orphanage actually improves your chances at being adopted, and then you will finally be free, being stuck in a stuffy area is actually helping you find a home"

"sure, but it's not helping anything else." She remarked, not putting up with Jay clutching her arm, that seemed like it could possibly cut off her blood circulation at any given moment.

Rebel knew that even if she got caught escaping again, she won't stop attempting to escape, maybe she would be happier if there was some sort of air conditioner in the orphanage but apparently fresh air is better for you.

Arriving at the orphanage, it seemed like Miss Jones was doing some gardening outside, if she could be outside, why couldn't anybody else?

When she noticed Rebel, she stood up and walked over, not looking too pleased with her. Miss Jones was within a few meters before she started fuming at Rebel's immature behaviour, whatever that meant

"what is it with your crap ideas about escaping Rebel" she spoke, trying to sugarcoat her angry tone "you had us all worried about you"

"maybe if the orphanage wasn't so stuffy, I wouldn't have escaped in the first place." Rebel taunted, receiving an eye roll in response and soon found herself being dragged into the building. The door was flung open, causing Rebel to nearly gag at the heat of the fresh air that seemed to be a better alternative.

Rebel pulled herself out of her grasp before the rest of the children ran into the room, thirteen year old twin girls called Anaya and Ebele, and nine year old boy called Faraji, who seemed to be as worried as Miss Jones was.

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