Enter Pikachu!

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(This is Chief and I don't own this. I'm making the trainer age 15 instead and the kids are 10 right now)

"Did you hear about the orphanage catching on fire?"

"Yes, what a horrible tragedy. All those poor children"

"Well, I heard it was caused by a child"

"Really? Why would a child do such a thing?"

"I don't know, I heard that the child was playing or something"

As the women talked about the accident two young children stood around the corner listening in.

"Geez, will people ever stop talking about that? It was an accident" The redhead girl said as she held her Growlite

"Accident or not, you burned down the orphanage" The other girl with (your hair color) hair said as her Eevee jumped on her shoulder.

"But-" The red headed girl tried to say, but was quickly cut off.

"No buts! You burned a whole orphanage down and pretty much killed everyone inside" The (Your hair color)-ed girl saids "Now, come on we can go to the forest to get away from your brother"

The two kids walk to the forest making sure to be quiet and not attract any unwanted attention. Soon they hear two sounds coming from two different directions.

"You go that way I'll go this way. Okay, Meilyah?" The (hair color)-ed girl saids pointing left then right.

"Alright, Y/n" Meilyah replies before racing off with her Growlite.

"Then let's be on our way, Anka" Y/n saids to her Eevee

"Eev!" Anka saids in reply as the two begin walking right

~🔥Y/n pov🔥~

Me and Anka continue to walk through the forest as I soon spot a baby Kangaskhan running off seeming happy. 'Where is it's mother?' I wonder as me and Anka follow it. Soon the baby reaches a ledge and starts playing around as an adult Kangaskhan and a Pichu show up. As the baby Kangaskhan plays I realize the ground underneath it is breaking and I run forward. As I run forward the ground breaks and out of instinct I jump over the ledge and catch the baby, but I end up falling myself. Me and the baby Kangaskhan scream as we start to fall into the rocky river below. I hear the adult Kangaskhan yell in panic and I can hear Meilyah as well as two other voices yell out as well. I close my eyes and hold the baby in my arms tightly as I prepare for what will happen...

I open my eyes confused and I see that we have stopped in midair. I'm visibly confused as me and the baby Kangaskhan are no longer upside down. Suddenly the Pokémon Mew flies in front of us. My eyes go wide as I look at the new species Pokémon in front of me. Mew coos at us and pokes my forehead and I feel a slight pain, but it quickly goes away. Mew then puts the baby Kangaskhan back with it's mother and puts me with Meilyah and the two other kids after giving me back Anka. Meilyah and the other two kids looks at me wide-eyed and Meilyah takes out a small mirror she has. My eyes grow wide as I see a tattoo on my forehead where Mew had poked me.

 My eyes grow wide as I see a tattoo on my forehead where Mew had poked me

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(Not mine and you can pick something different if you want)

I touch my forehead checking if it's real and I find that it is. I look back at Mew who is now gone. As we all look back at where Mew was I hear panting and immediately turn around to see professor Oak.

"Professor Oak!" The girl with magenta hair saids as me and Meilyah stand behind the two kids awkwardly.

"So this is where you two have been!" Professor Oak saids "I looked all over! Huh? Who are those two?" Professor Oak saids looking at me and Meilyah.

"Hm? Oh! She's Meilyah and we don't know her name, yet" The boy saids

"I'm Y/n" I reply

"Nice to meet you, Y/n" The girl saids "I'm Chloe and this is Goh" She saids gesturing to herself and the boy or Goh.

"Nice to meet you two! I'm sure we can be great friends" I say happily and I give them a closed eye smile unable to see the small amount of blush on Goh's cheeks.

—⏭Small Time Skip⏭️—

Professor Oak decided to take us with him for the little trip he had planned and as we walked back to their group Goh and Chloe told Professor Oak about what happened.

"Hmm, I'm not certain, but it could be Mew" Professor Oak replies to earlier Chloe's question.

Me, Anka, Chief (Meilyah's Growlite if you don't remember), and Meilyah were behind the group listening in a few times I'd see Goh looking back at me before looking forward again. I already knew that it was Mew, but I don't think I should say anything because we're already bothering them by sticking around.

"Mew?" Goh questions

"They say it lives in the depths of the jungle, but it's said to be able to vanish at will, so it hasn't been seen by many people" Professor Oak explains "It's believed to be a Mythical Pokemon whose DNA resembles the DNA of all other Pokemon"

"An extremely rare Pokemon?" Chloe questions

"Awesome!" Goh saids smiling "That's so cool that you got to be face to face with a rare Pokémon, Y/n!" Goh saids happily turning to look at me.

I slightly blush in embarrassment at the attention. "Yeah... it was a pretty cool and scary experience..." I reply

Goh sees my uncomfortableness and tries to bring the conversation back to Mew. "Mew's the ultra-awesome Pokemon!" Goh saids "Man, I wanna be fifteen years old now so I can become a Pokemon Trainer!" Goh saids "So cool! Then I'll be able to catch that Mew, the ultra-awesome Pokemon!"

"You dream big..." I say with a small smile. "I like that..."

Goh slightly blushes "Thanks, Y/n!" Goh saids looking at me with a smile of his own


Thank you for reading! I hope you have a good day or night and I'll be working on my next chapter pronto!

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